Category Archives: Marketing

Franklin Junction partners with Casper to bring American restaurant brands to Europe

GHENT, 14-Mar-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Franklin Junction partners with Casper, a modern day food hall offering 100% virtual orders for takeout and delivery, to expand iconic American restaurant brands to Benelux and France. Franklin Junction founder, Rishi Nigam, and Casper founder, Matthias Laga, presented their expansion plans at the recent International Ghost Kitchen Conference in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Franklin Junction has been named to Fast Company’s prestigious annual list of the World’s Most Innovative Companies for 2023 as they continue to deliver innovative technology solutions for restaurants in the US and now abroad. Leading the way with their proprietary Host Kitchen® model, Franklin Junction has grown into a full suite of solution services to empower restaurant success in the digital age. In 2022, Franklin Junction introduced its AI-powered digital food hall that allows consumers to order food and earn loyalty from multiple concepts in a single transaction and delivery.

“As industry leaders driving the growth of American restaurant brands in new markets, we have received a tremendous amount of interest to expand to the European market for a few years now,” shares Franklin Junction CEO Rishi Nigam. â€œAfter getting to know Matthias and the entire Casper team over the past year, we have full confidence that they are a trusted partner to expand globally with and we’re thrilled to bring iconic American fare to new diners across Europe.”

Casper launched in Ghent, Belgium and raised €5 million for their Series A in 2022 with the objective of creating a hybrid restaurant and food hall model where customers can walk-in to place orders for takeout or order through digital channels for delivery. In just a short time, Casper has expanded to over 10 locations in Belgium, the Netherlands, and France, with an expansion goal of 50 kitchens by 2024.

“We’re very excited to partner with Franklin Junction and begin by introducing Nathan’s Famous’ authentic New York flavors to our European customers in the coming weeks,” states Matthias Laga, Co-founder and CEO of Casper. â€œFranklin Junction uniquely understands restaurants, multi-concept food halls, and restaurant eCommerce and their proprietary processes are extremely virtuous for all stakeholders.”

Franklin Junction is reinventing restaurant eCommerce with a sustainable, profitable approach to digital growth. We offer the first end-to-end platform, unifying eCommerce technology and managed services, so restaurants can win in the digital age. Led by a team of seasoned leaders in restaurant operations, machine learning, and digital marketing, our suite of services includes proprietary technology deployments, third-party governance, omni-channel strategy definition, and full-service eCommerce management. Originators of the Host Kitchen® model for take-out/delivery expansion, Franklin Junction has empowered restaurant operations worldwide to achieve sustained profitable growth with fewer headaches and wasted resources.

Casper was founded in March 2020 by Matthias Laga (1986), Zhong Xu (1985), CEO/co-founder Deliverect and Peter Van Praet (1988), CEO/founder Bavet. Casper is a hybrid delivery and take out-only restaurant (a so-called ghost kitchen or dark kitchen) that sells 10 quality virtual brands for different tastes – reasonably priced and sustainably packaged. The chain of hybrid kitchens is currently active in Ghent, Antwerp, Leuven, Brussels, Liège and Bruges, and partners with the marketplaces Just Eat Takeaway, Deliveroo and UberEats to deliver their delicious food. As of Q3, Casper will also be present in multiple locations in the Netherlands (The Hague, Rotterdam, Eindhoven, Utrecht) and France (Lille). Luxembourg will follow in Q4. By Q2, 2024 Casper plans to operate out of 50 international locations.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Cannavista Wellness Continues to Give Back by Supporting Local Charitable Organizations

Buchanan, Michigan, USA, 2022-Jun-24 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — July 3rd, 2022 – Buchanna Fest – On the Common – Cannavista Wellness is pleased to announce Buchanna Fest – On the Common, live music event to be held at the Buchanan City Commons on Sunday July 3rd from 12pm to 8:00pm. Buchanna Fest will feature Master of Ceremonies, Freddie Miller, a well-known regional comedic celebrity who has appeared several times on the Jimmie Kimmel show.

The day long music event will feature a wide variety of music by well-known musical groups that includes: “That What She Said”, Hour Glass / Sypian family, Tre Marquis / RiverRats, and Wolf Ticket / The Erly.

Complimenting the live musical performances at Buchanna Fest – On the Common, amazing foods and craft beers prepared by Woodstock Grill, La Chula and River St. Joe are sure to delight one and all.

Click here for directions:

Buchanna Fest – On the Common is a fund-raising initiative supporting not for profit Lyla Grace Corporation for the benefit of the citizens of the greater Buchanan community. Suggested tax-deductible donation is $10.00 per family unit with all proceeds directed toward improving Buchanan public parks.

Enjoy the best local music, food and craft beer on Sunday July 3rd from 12-8:00pm and help make your community a better place.

Freddie Miller
Master of Ceremonies
Live Music by:
That’s What She Said
Hour Glass / Sypian Family
Tre Marquis / RiverRats
Wolf Ticket / The Erly
Food and Drink by:
Woodstock Grill
La Chula
River St. Joe

In addition to Buchanna Fest – On the Commons, we cordially invite out of state visitors to explore other attractions in greater Buchanan. See:

About Cannavista Wellness:

Cannavista Wellness provides compassionate, patient-focused medical and recreational marijuana provisioning. Our facility is located in the heart of Buchanan, Michigan’s storied downtown. Our historic location has been beautifully restored and repurposed into a welcoming medical and adult-use marijuana provisioning center. We have assembled a team of friendly and highly knowledgeable consultants and provided them with quality cannabis education to help serve as your guides the best cannabis products. We are here to educate our community, serve our community and improve your well-being.

About the Lyla Grace Corporation:

The Lyla Grace Corporation was formed to strengthen communities by supporting programs and facilities where funding is insufficient or nonexistent. Lyla Grace Corporation is a nonprofit where hope and charity grow. The organization is a private nonprofit corporation established to provide community charitable funds distribution for the establishment of needed community resources for all citizens.

Via EPR Network
More Food & Beverage press releases

Das Projekt [I Love fruit & veg from Europe] fördert schmackhafte, kreative und nahrhafte Gerichte sowohl unter dem Weihnachtsbaum als auch auf dem Tisch

ZÜRICH, 20-Dec-2021 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE/ — Während der Festtage gut zu essen, ohne sich dabei zusätzliche Pfunde zuzulegen, ist nicht unmöglich. Die Weihnachtsgrüsse, die das Projekt “I love fruit & veg from Europe” an alle Schweizer schickt, sind voll von saisonalen europäischen Produkten mit Bio- und Qualitätssiegeln und zielen darauf ab, Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden auf dem Tisch zu fördern. Im Dezember umarmen saisonales Obst und Gemüse die Weihnachtszeit regelrecht mit ihren warmen Farben, beleben die Festtage und verwöhnen den Gaumen mit einzigartigen Geschmäckern, die wir auf den Tellern der Festtagsmahle vorfinden. Im Winter sind Zitrusfrüchte das Obst schlechthin: frisch, durstlöschend, reich an Vitaminen B und C und zugleich kalorienarm. Mandarinen, Orangen, Mandaranci, Grapefruits und Clementinen dürfen in keiner Obstschale fehlen. Wohlduftend, einladend und farbenfroh – Mandarinen sind die einzige süsse Frucht in der Familie der Zitrusfrüchte. Sie sind sehr bekömmlich, regulieren den Blutdruck und stärken das Immunsystem.

Eine umweltfreundliche und kreative Idee ist, die Festtagstischdekoration aus Mandarinen und kleinen Tannenzapfen oder einem weihnachtlichen Strauss zu gestalten: Einfach Obst und Lieblingsdekoration auf Holzstäbchen auffädeln, mit Klebeband fixieren, mit Geschenkpapier umwickeln und mit einer bunten Schleife zusammenbinden.

Wussten Sie, dass der Mandarinenbaum drei Hybridfrüchte hervorgebracht hat? Es gibt: die Clementine, eine Kreuzung zwischen Mandarinen und Mandarancios, die Mandarancio, eine Kombination aus Mandarinen und Orangen, und die Mapo, eine Kombination aus Grapefruit und Mandarine.

Was ist das Weihnachtsobst schlechthin? Rote Kerne und viel Glück – die Rede ist vom Granatapfel. Früher war es ein gutes Omen für das neue Jahr, wenn man ihn zu Weihnachten verschenkte und ihn dann am Silvesterabend mit der ganzen Familie teilte. Der Granatapfel ist mit 65 Kalorien pro 100 Gramm eine kalorienarme Frucht, die hauptsächlich aus Wasser (etwa 80%), Ballaststoffen und Zucker besteht und reich an Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen ist.

Er kann in Risottos, ersten Gängen mit Fisch, in Salaten, Obstsalaten und Desserts verwendet werden. Auch für einen leckeren Aperitif eignet er sich hervorragend. Die leckeren kleinen Segmente der Frucht passen zu fast allem und eignen sich zudem perfekt, um eine elegante Weihnachtsdekorationen für Ihr Zuhause und den Festtagstisch zu kreieren.

Der ungeschlagenen Gewinner unter den Gemüsesorten ist wohl der Blumenkohl, oder besser gesagt die Gruppe der sogenannten “Kreuzblütler”, der er angehört. Aus ihnen lassen sich viele Rezepte zaubern, die uns die kalte Jahreszeit verschönern. Blumenkohl kann weiss, gelb, grün oder violett sein, es gibt jedoch auch den Romanesco-Kohl, den vielseitigen Brokkoli, Stängelkohl und Wirsing. Kurzum, im Dezember gibt es eine Fülle von Obst- und Gemüsesorten, aus denen sich mit dem richtigen Rezept ein gesundes und schmackhaftes Festtagsmenü zaubern lässt. Brokkoli ist gesund, reich an Wasser, Vitaminen und Mineralsalzen und hat dabei wenig Kalorien: 25 pro 100 Gramm.

Schmackhaft und zudem ein Symbol des Wohlstands:
Linsen feiern ein grosses Comeback auf dem Festtagstisch, allerdings sind sie so gesund, dass man sie mindestens einmal pro Woche essen sollte. Sie sind die weltweit am häufigsten verzehrte Hülsenfrucht und eine unvergleichliche Nährstoffquelle: Sie sind reich an Mineralien, Ballaststoffen und Vitaminen sowie an Eisen, Phosphor und Antioxidantien. Da sie oft als Beilage gegessen werden, empfiehlt es sich, sie als pflanzliche Eiweissquelle mit Nudeln oder Getreide (oder natürlich mit Gemüse) zu essen, um so in nur einem einzigen Gericht mit allen essentiellen Aminosäuren versorgt zu werden.

Gesunde und kreative Ideen?
Wie wäre es mit einer Suppe mit Reis und Linsen, die Sie mit Ihrem Lieblingsgemüse der Saison anreichern, oder mit Vollkornnudeln mit dem Gemüse Ihrer Wahl oder auch warmen Salaten mit Zwiebeln, Trockenobst und gedünstetem Gemüse…

Unter dem Weihnachtsbaum des Projekts “I love fruit & veg from Europe” liegt ein ganzer Korb voller wunderbarem saisonalem Obst und Gemüse, mit dem Sie sich in der Küche austoben und zu Ihrem Wohlbefinden beitragen können. Darüber hinaus befindet sich im Korb ein exklusives, auf Zitrusfrüchten basierendes Rezept von Andy Zaugg, der sich mit dem Restaurant zum Alten Stephan in Solothurn (1* Michelin, 17 Punkte GaultMillau) einen Namen gemacht hatte. Andy Zaugg steht für eine Küche, die viel Freude bereitet. Sie ist geprägt von einer grossen Harmonie der Aromen und Texturen. Raffiniert, elegant und im Kern doch immer sehr einfach. Heute präsentiert Andy Zaugg seine souveräne Handwerkskunst zusammen mit seiner Geschäftspartnerin und Ehefrau Roberta Zaugg schweizweit als Caterer. In Sternekochkursen und als Coach vermittelt er seine Leidenschaft fürs Kochen, Geniessen und die Sensorik.

Orangen-Fenchelsalat orientalische Art mit Senfkörnern
Portionen: 4


1 Fenchel
1 dl japanischer Reisessig «süss», Rice vinegar für Sushi
1 MS Vitamin C, Ascorbinsäure
3 Bio-Orangen, nur Zesten und Filets
1 Bio-Limette, nur Zeste und Saft
1 EL Senfkörner gelb
1 Stk. Kardamom
1 TL Kreuzkümmel
2 EL Zucker
Getrocknete Blütenmischung zur Dekoration
wenig Rosa Pfeffer

wenig frischer Koriander
Pfeffer aus der Mühle
Fleur de sel
Olivenöl extra nativ

Den Fenchel fein aufschneiden und mit dem Reisessig marinieren. Die Orangen- und Limettenzesten sowie eine Messerspitze Ascorbinsäure(Vitamin C) dazugeben. Die Orangen filetieren, den Saft für die spätere Verwendung zurückbehalten. Den Zucker karamellisieren, mit dem Limettensaft und einem Esslöffel Wasser ablöschen und mit dem Saft der Orangen, Kreuzkümmel, Kardamom und den Senfkörnern einreduzieren. Die Orangenfilets beigeben und auf die Seite stellen. Den Fenchelsalat auf der Tellermitte anrichten. Die Reduktion über den Fenchelsalat geben und zum Abschluss ein. wenig um den Salat träufeln. Mit Olivenöl, dem Rosa Pfeffer, Pfeffer aus der Mühle und Fleur de sel abschmecken und den Blüten sowie dem Koriander ausgarnieren.

It’s from Europe!

SOURCE: EuropaWire


Senior Director of Sales and Director of Operations will help accelerate growth

Los Angeles, CA, 2021-Sep-28 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — Maxine’s Heavenly, a Los Angeles-based company that makes decadent cookies for the sugar-conscious consumer, has added two key roles to their rapidly expanding team.

Samuel Neumann joins Maxine’s Heavenly as Senior National Director of Sales, following a nine year tenure with Mondelez International where he spent time in both Sales & Marketing positions across a variety of different accounts and brands. This included leading commercialization for one of the largest cookie brands in the world, ChipsAhoy. Most recently, Sam managed the U.S Costco business for Mondelez International.

Sam will lead sales for Maxine’s Heavenly leveraging his proven track record of success in creating strategic growth plans, building strong retailer partnerships, and unlocking sustainable growth within the snacking category.

Joseph Salvatore joins Maxine’s Heavenly as the brand’s Director of Supply Chain & Operations. Joseph has spent over a decade scaling operations for fast-growth companies, serving as part of the core team for two brands that made the “World’s Most Innovative Companies” annual listing by Fast Company. Previously, he was responsible for operations at natural brands like TIO Gazpacho and Exo Protein, where he worked directly with the creators of Magic Spoon.

Additionally, Joseph is an expert in Sustainability, having helped build cocoa direct and fair trade supply chains benefiting hundreds of family farmers in Madagascar for a social enterprise. He will help drive Maxine’s sustainability initiatives to achieve their goal of a “Triple Bottom Line.”

“I cannot think of two more qualified and exciting candidates to help drive our organization’s next phase of hyper-growth,” said CEO Robert Petrarca. “Both bring a passion for the brand along with tremendous industry expertise. With the addition of Sam and Joseph, we plan to continue to shake up the baking category and lead the charge on the future of snacking.”

The healthy cookie brand currently offers 7 every day and 3 seasonal flavors of super soft-baked cookies sweetened with unrefined coconut sugar and dates. Maxine’s Heavenly cookies are proudly free of sugar alcohols, stevia, monk fruit, refined white sugar, and artificial sweeteners.

About Maxine’s Heavenly: Maxine’s Heavenly makes decadent desserts with unrefined sugar and wholesome ingredients, so you can satisfy your sweet tooth without the guilt. Using mom’s baking for inspiration, we go the extra mile to make sure our treats taste like home, not the store. Learn more at


Media contact:

Rachel B. Carmichael
Maxine’s Heavenly


Popular cookie brand now available in Canada’s London Drugs and online through Natura Market

LOS ANGELES, CA, 2020-Sep-9 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — Maxine’s Heavenly, a Los Angeles-based company that makes decadent cookies for the sugar-conscious consumer, is now available in Canada both through retail at London Drugs and online through Natura Market.

This jump across the border comes on the heels of rapid growth into other significant US natural, specialty, and conventional chains, including two new Whole Foods Market regions, Ralph’s By Kroger, and Lucky/Save Mart.

“We’ve always been amazed at how many inbound inquiries we get from Canadian residents looking to purchase our products in their hometowns, so we’re excited to finally be able to point them to these new options.” said CEO Robert Petrarca. “London Drugs is an iconic and beloved retailer and we are thrilled to have our first on shelf placements at their stores. We are also honored to see our products among some of the finest products in Natural Foods on Natura’s fantastically curated e-commerce platform.”

Maxine’s Heavenly contributes its success to the relevancy of their brand promise to consumers: decadent and delicious cookies that are made with better-for-you ingredients that serve a variety of dietary needs, including plant-based (vegan), gluten-free and sugar conscious.

This is particularly relevant to the rapidly growing segment of Canadian consumers looking to incorporate more plant based foods into their diets. Several vegan publications, including Live Kindly and the cite a 113% spike in plant-based and vegan related searches in Canada, making it potentially one of the fastest growing markets for plant-based living.

About Maxine’s Heavenly:
Maxine’s Heavenly homemade style, soft-baked cookies are mom’s recipe made so-much-better-for-you. Made for more to enjoy, Maxine’s Heavenly cookies are certified Gluten-Free, Vegan, Kosher,
Non-GMO, and naturally sweetened with coconut sugar and dates. Maxine’s Heavenly cookies was voted Best Snack of 2018
in Health Magazine. Learn more at

Media contact:

Rachel B. Carmichael
Maxine’s Heavenly


Maxine’s Heavenly logo brings home made jams, syrups, fruit delicacies to the European market brings home made jams, syrups, fruit delicacies to the European market

  • Yummy yet Sassy jam meets Bedouin tradition in European cuisine
  • is a Jewish-Bedouin partnership bringing Europe, homemade flavors from Israel as well as original Bedouin products
  • NegevMarket is also offering a new culinary concept of boutique jams (based on wine and liqueur) with several combinations of fruit and spicy flavors
  • NegevMarket is a partnership between three entrepreneurs: NegevMarket LTD, the Negev19 Group and the New Dawn in the Negev association (NGO)
  • The partnership operates a special website that allows to make direct orders from all over Europe and Israel, of ‘Foodie Packs’ containing all the boutique jams as well as complementary products

LONDON, 17-Aug-2020 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE/ — The Foodie Packs include special and sassy jams such as: cherry tomatoes in white port and cinnamon (Sweet Sherity), garlic, rum and basil (Ramon19 Spice), chili, port ruby and figs (Hot Osnat), apricots in brandy with ginger and chili (Degani Special Hot) and more. also markets a line of alcohol free (according to Bedouin tradition) products In separate packages, containing Bedouin-inspired spice blends, tahini spreads, spiced olive oil, complementary products and also original Bedouin hand embroidery.

The online store markets its unique products such as chef upgrades in a jar, allowing the customer to “just add to the dish of your choice or sandwich”. Says Anat Avissar Koren, director of Negev Market LTD. According to Avissar Koren, NegevMarket “offers jams, syrups, fruit delicacies as well as seasoning mixes and traditional rice dishes adapted to European cuisine. The products are marketed directly to customers all over Europe and are also shipped to Israel.” It is a chef’s delight, ready in your home.”

The price range on the webstore starting from 18 EUR for foodie pack for 2 diners, 36 EUR for foodie pack for 4 diners and 70 EUR for foodie pack for 8 diners. All foodie packs are meant to upgrade any dish. Are easy to use as just adding to a dish of fish, chicken, beef, antipasti, or to put in a sandwich, and also be served to guests with the original hosting pack.

All products are vegan, without additional flavorings or artificial sweeteners. The products are sold over the website using the made per order model, shipped directly to the customer’s home without the need for warehouses or refrigeration since the packages are closed and include dry products that are marketed directly to the consumer. This marketing method is in line with European regulation and the entire site is compliant with the strict EU rules.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

El Elixir de Oro y sus Maravillosas Propiedades Energéticas

Eddie Mosler se inspira en el Universo para crear y ofrecer la mágica mezcla

MIAMI, FL, 2020-Aug-05 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — El artista plástico ecuatoriano Eddie Mosler, y altamente reconocido por realizar terapias medicinales con el oro, lanza al mercado internacional el “Elixir de Oro”, una mezcla de varios minerales coloidales con oro activado; lo cual, al ser mezclados generan ciertos componentes que ayudan a mejorar aspectos físicos y emocionales.

Mosler afirmó que su mayor inspiración para desarrollar este elixir es el universo, ya que le otorga el conocimiento y la creatividad para lograr conexiones de valor en el plano terrenal. Esa misma inspiración que le conduce a la creación de sus obras pictóricas le llevó a descubrir y elaborar el Elixir de Oro.

Recientemente el Elixir de Oro se ha consolidado como uno de los mejores productos dentro del mercado actual y, gracias a ello, se ha logrado una evolución exponencial en el ámbito físico, emocional y energético en las personas que lo han consumido.

Mosler, un artista que se denomina autodidacta explica “He diseñado varias terapias y productos para ayudar a las personas. De hecho, en la actualidad el Elixir se ha convertido en una herramienta fundamental para la elevación de la vibración ya que al tomarlo se amplifican los niveles energéticos. El Elixir de Oro es el resultado de la intensa exploración cromática, lumínica y energética de las dimensiones y de la estructura astral”,

La mezcla del Elixir de Oro está compuesta por ingredientes tales como el agua desmineralizada, oro comestible, plata, cobre y oro coloidal. Cada componente otorga por si solo beneficios extraordinarios dadas sus propiedades antibióticas, regeneradoras, antiparasitarias y desintoxicantes, los cuales en conjunto ayudan en casos de inestabilidad mental, estados emocionales como depresión, melancolía y ansiedad; incrementa el nivel de energía, mejora el sistema circulatorio, descalcifica la glándula pineal, reconfigura los campos áuricos, expande la conciencia, ayuda a equilibrar el sistema nervioso, ayuda con problemas digestivos, equilibra y armoniza cuerpo, mente y espíritu; favorece la concentración, ayuda a mejorar los estados de ánimo, ayuda con problemas circulatorios, alivia el estrés, mejora la condición de la piel, trabaja como agente rejuvenecedor, controla problemas de insomnio y estimula la producción de colágeno.

Mosler explicó que la magia del Oro radica en la autorización de su espíritu, el cual otorga la claridad sobre la utilización correcta de la energía y la evolución del alma. El Elixir de Oro pasa por un proceso de activación, el cual cuenta con una configuración que se basa en la estructura de polígonos de expansión cuántica y exponencial. “En entrevistas recientes he explicado que el Elixir no es tan solo un producto que ayuda a las personas, sino que su creación es algo que va más allá del plano terrenal, algo que logra elevar la energía sin necesidad de realizar grandes esfuerzos” añadió.

Por último, el creador del Elixir de Oro le aconsejó a la humanidad pensar acerca de sus acciones y consecuencias, en el cómo éstas pueden mejorar o hundir a sociedades enteras. A los nuevos artistas les aconsejó mantenerse conectados con el universo y siempre seguir sus principios e ideales.

Para más información, le pueden seguir en su página web y a través de sus redes sociales Instagram @eddiemosler, Facebook Eddie Mosler, Twitter @eddiemosler.

Via EPR Network
More Food & Beverage press releases

X2 Performance and Museum of Graffiti celebrate Super Bowl LIV with an epic mural to be unveiled by world-renowned graffiti artist CES

MIAMI, FL, 2020-Jan-29 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — On Friday, Jan. 31, X2 Performance® teams up with the Museum of Graffiti to commemorate Super Bowl LIV with a dynamic new mural to be unveiled by world-renowned graffiti artist CES.

X2 Performance®, a brand trusted and used by elite NFL, NBA, MLB and, NHL franchises is launching its new X2 Performance® Pre & Intra workout products now available to the general public. To celebrate Super Bowl LIV in Miami X2 Performance will host a networking breakfast that intertwines the sports industry community and the global graffiti community.

The invitation-only breakfast will be held on Friday, January 31st at 8:30 AM at the Museum of Graffiti located at 299 NW 25th St., Miami FL 33137. The event will be hosted by sports industry leaders and X2 board members Mike Tannenbaum and Mark French and principal investor L Catterton.

Guests include NFL Hall of Famers, current Pro-Bowl players, team owners, VIP’s in the sports, entertainment, and tech arenas, health and wellness influencers, and acclaimed graffiti artists.

Fans can join the #X2fuelsmiami conversations across social on Instagram (@X2Performance), Twitter (@X2Performance) and Facebook and LinkedIn (@X2Performance).

CES will live paint the mural commissioned by X2 Performance throughout the day on Wednesday, Jan 29th at 282 NW 25th Street, in Miami’s Wynwood Arts District, directly across the street from the Museum of Graffiti. Multiple camera crews will be on-site documenting this unique mural creation honoring Super Bowl LIV.

For more information on the Museum of Graffiti, visit and follow on Instagram

For more information on CES, visit and follow @ces4wish

Via EPR Network
More Food & Beverage press releases



Success in SoPac region opens up opportunity in Northern California

Los Angeles, CA, 2019-Dec-19 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — Maxine’s Heavenly, a Los Angeles-based company that makes decadent but better-for-you cookies for the sugar conscious consumer , is now available in all Whole Foods Market locations in the Northern California region.

The expansion into this new region comes after the extraordinary traction the brand is seeing in the Southern Pacific region of Whole Foods Market.

“We love our partnership with Whole Foods,” said CEO Robert Petrarca. “They continue to show tremendous support for local and emerging brands and we’re happy to partner with them in our
neighboring Northern California region. We’ve been thrilled with the performance of our products as they continue to lead the category in velocity turns. Clearly our brand promise — ultra clean label cookies that taste like you made them in your own kitchen — resonates with the Whole Foods consumer. We see this as validation for the vibrant potential of our products on a national level.”

Maxine’s Heavenly contributes the high velocity turns to their unique combination of qualities that are setting new standards in the cookie aisle:

  • Homemade taste that is calibrated to Maxine’s original, decadent recipe from the 1950’s.
  • Naturally sweetened with coconut sugar and dates for an unrefined, low sugar, and low glycemic cookie.
  • Made for more to enjoy – all flavors are certified gluten free, vegan, kosher, and non-GMO.

Whole Foods Market carries all four Maxine’s Heavenly SKUS: Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk, Almond Chocolate Chunk, Chocolate Chocolate Chunk, and Cinnamon Oatmeal Raisin.

About Maxine’s Heavenly:
Maxine’s Heavenly homemade style, soft-baked cookies are mom’s recipe made so-much-better-for-you. Made for more to enjoy, Maxine’s Heavenly cookies are certified Gluten-Free, Vegan, Kosher, Non-GMO, and naturally sweetened with coconut sugar and dates. Maxine’s Heavenly cookies was voted Best Snack of 2018 in Health Magazine. Learn more at .


Rachel B. Carmichael
Maxine’s Heavenly



The clean label, low sugar treat is perfect for consumers looking for a permissible Fall indulgence

Los Angeles, CA, 30-Oct-2019 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — Maxine’s Heavenly, a Los Angeles-based company that makes decadent but better-for-you cookies for the sugar conscious consumer, has released it’s seasonal flavor, Pumpkin Pecan Spice.

Pumpkin spice products are ubiquitous this time of year, but Maxine’s Heavenly offers a clean label version that satisfies consumers’ desire for a sweet snack without packing in the sugar. These cookies are:

  • Low sugar. Pumpkin Pecan Spice cookies only have 5 grams of sugar per serving. This is lower than almost every other cookie on the grocery shelf, with most brands averaging closer to 10g of sugar for the same serving size.
  • Sweetened by nature. Maxine’s Heavenly cookies are sweetened with coconut sugar and dates only. These natural sweeteners are unrefined and retain more vitamins and minerals than refined sugars.
  • Low glycemic. Because Maxine’s Heavenly cookies are sweetened with natural, low glycemic sugars, you can have a sweet treat without experiencing a sugar crash.

Beyond the better-for-you sugar promise, Maxine’s Heavenly is committed to raising the bar on the taste experience in the shelf stable cookie aisle. Inspired by a family recipe, Maxine’s Heavenly cookies feature generous portions of real ingredients, including whole grain oats, large pecan pieces, and 100% natural flavor profiles from real spices like nutmeg and cinnamon.

All Maxine’s Heavenly products are certified Gluten Free, Vegan, Kosher, and verified Non-GMO. This year, Maxine’s Heavenly Pumpkin Pecan Spice cookies are proudly listed on PETA’s list of “Best Vegan Pumpkin Spice Products in 2019” and popular blogger Celiac and the Beast’s “Best Gluten Free Pumpkin Pecan Spice Products 2019”.

“We’re really proud of this flavor,” said Maxine’s Heavenly CEO, Robert Petrarca, “and we’ve gone out of our way to source the simplest, best ingredients. They’re decadent, spicy, and sweet, and all without the sugar bomb. Consumers don’t want to feel guilty every time they eat something delicious, and they don’t want unnatural, highly-refined ingredients either. This flavor is super clean and absolutely delicious.”

Pumpkin Pecan Spice can be purchased at Whole Foods Southern California, Gelson’s, Erewhon, Lassens, Down to Earth, Market of Choice, and online at,, and

About Maxine’s Heavenly: Maxine’s Heavenly homemade style, soft-baked cookies are mom’s recipe made so-much-better-for-you. Made for more to enjoy, Maxine’s Heavenly cookies are certified Gluten-Free, Vegan, Kosher, Non-GMO, and naturally sweetened with coconut sugar and dates. Maxine’s Heavenly cookies was voted Best Snack of 2018 in Health Magazine. Learn more at


Rachel B. Carmichael
Maxine’s Heavenly


La Paella Deploys Experiential ROI Driven Digital Menu Boards

Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A., 2019-Jan-30 — /EPR Network/ — Learn how and why La Paella decides on digital menu boards to enhance the visual appearance of their menu while improving the way they introduce new items and upsell high margin dishes, desserts, drinks and appetizers.


La Paella is a contemporary fast-casual restaurant brand that offers a mesmerizing twist to traditional Spanish dining. From the fresh, made-to-order paella featuring your choice of fresh clams, shrimp, or Spanish sausage to Bocata sandwiches to full variety of tapas, La Paella offers an irresistible menu in a fun, casual setting. To top-off, the dining experience La Paella wanted to deploy a digital menu board solution that visually enhanced their branding while making it easier for customers to view their menu.

Upon meeting with Nextelix Connect (NoviSign Digital Signage partner) to discuss the installation time-frames of internet, phone and cloud computing solutions, La Paella expressed interest in digital menu boards.


The original vendor that offered La Paella a digital menu board system was over-budget and difficult to implement. Also, La Paella wanted their branding creatively incorporated into the menu design, so it complimented their fresh in-store modern design and layout. In expectancy of new locations, they wanted the solution to be scalable, cost-effective and cloud-based.

When La Paella decided to make the switch to NoviSign’s Digital Menu Boards, they expected a reliable system that was beautifully designed, quickly installed and easy-to-use.

• Dependable cloud-based digital menu board software
• All-in-one display w/SoC media player for easy installation
• Professionally designed digital menu board
• A smooth deployment that was stress-free


NoviSign’s digital menu board software met each condition. Upon receiving the contract, Nextelix Connect immediately designed and deployed a total digital menu board system that consisted of four commercial-grade Android SoC displays with NoviSign preloaded.

Because the displays came with an integrated media player and WiFi, the screens were cleanly mounted flush against the wall eliminating the need for additional wiring. From the ordering counter, customers can easily view the menu items, descriptions pricing and food images.

Components used:
• NoviSign’s Cloud-Based Digital Menu Board Software
• Philips D-Line 49” Commercial Grade SoC Displays


The move to NoviSign’s digital menu board solution was managed swiftly and professionally. The digital menu board layout was quickly designed, and all of the displays were delivered and installed before deadlines.

NoviSign’s menu board software allows for easy on-the-fly real-time updates of the menu from any computer at any time. Additionally, day-part scheduling is natively included enabling La Paella to preschedule specific menus, featured items and other promotions to automatically play on the digital menu boards on specific times set recurring schedules and or expiration dates. This ability to complete control over the menus ensures accurate pricing across all screens.


• High menu visibility
• Easy-to-use and reliable
• Fast content updates
• Excellent support


“The entire NoviSign experience has been foolproof. Their digital menu board software is intuitive, reliable and supports any menu design option. Within minutes I was able to easily design my menu, add new items, changes prices and insert my food images. Whenever I need to make an update, I simply log-in to my account online and apply my changes. Within the seconds of applying my changes, my digital menu boards update. Thank you Nextelix and NoviSign! – Eddie Estevez, COO at La Paella

Via EPR Network
More Food & Beverage press releases

Global Food Waste Recycling Machines Market: Restaurants to Stay at the Forefront of Demand as Enhancing Profitability Gains Momentum

DUBLIN 2, Ireland, 05-Nov-2018 — /EPR FOOD AND BEVERAGE NEWS/ — Fact.MR’s recent study on food waste recycling machine market foresees a promising growth, driven by proactive initiatives for fostering environmental sustainability. An amalgamation of pivotal aspects, ranging from launch of legislation around food waste to rising proclivity for recycling activities, is anticipated to underpin growth potential of the market. Global sales of food waste recycling machines are likely to reach 10,890 units in 2018, up from 10,356 units in 2017.

A Sample of the Report is Available Upon Request at

The Fact.MR research study opines that the demand for food waste recycling machine has taken off in recent years, as a result of challenges associated with traditional composting methods. Rapid gravitation toward minimizing disposal costs and curbing noxious emissions have been identified as key drivers. 

Restaurants to Stay at the Forefront of Demand as Enhancing Profitability Gains Momentum

Shift from landfills to waste-to-energy plants is evolving as a prominent waste management trend, which is offering numerous opportunities for the food waste recycling machine manufacturers.

Sales of food waste recycling machine have remained concentrated in the restaurants industry, driven by efforts to scale up their bottom lines. This buoyancy of restaurants in the food waste recycling machine market continued in 2018 as well, with volume sales likely to exceed 2,500 units. Sales are also complemented by growing adoption in hotels and supermarkets, according to the study.

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North America maintains its lead as the largest food waste recycling market, with volume sales set to surpass 3,000 units in 2018. Attempts to foster recycling activities have taken off at the federal level in the U.S. and Canada, in the wake of a huge ratio of food wastage per capita. APEJ and Europe are likely to be the second and third most attractive market, owing to sweeping concerns for efficient food waste management, estimates the research study.

The food waste recycling machine market has a wide-spread presence of small and unorganized players, with consolidation of regional presence being their key strategic lever. The top 5 players hold around 20% of the revenue share and are focused on commercialization of small capacity machines, especially 0-50 kg/day’ and ’50-100 kg/day’. These players are focusing on new product development and facility expansion in a bid to retain their buoyancy in the market space, finds the report. 

Manufacturers to Thrive on Untapped Opportunities with Value-based Offerings

The manufacturers of food waste recycling machine are focusing on fostering their foothold with value-based offerings, unveils Fact.MR study. For instance, Whirlpool introduced ‘Zera Food Recycler’, which converts the food scraps into organic fertilizers in a time span of 24 hours. This offering has been introduced with the pervading trend of converting food waste into reusable commodities.

The demand for food waste recycling machine in emerging regions is growing at a healthy rate; however, bulk of the sales remain concentrated in China and India. The cost-sensitivity of end-users in emerging regions of Africa and Latin America, combined with lax regulations on food recycling, have meant that sales have remain limited in these markets.

“Large-scale machines, comprising of high power consuming components in their peripheries, are highly likely to witness a substantial decline in demand amid the end-users, posing challenges for the growth trajectory”, Senior Analyst, Fact.MR

The Fact.MR research study analyzes the growth of food waste recycling machine market for the period of 2018 to 2028. As per the report, the market is likely to proliferate at a CAGR of 7.1% through 2028.

The Report is available for Direct Purchase at 

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Global Cocoa Market: Europe stands as the largest cocoa beans consumer – way ahead of North America and Asia Pacific regions

Global Cocoa Market Y-o-Y Growth Analysis by B2B, 2017 and 2028

DUBLIN 2, Ireland, 23-Oct-2018 — /ERP FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — A recent study by Fact.MR on the Europe cocoa market brings interesting insights to the fore. The comprehensive report by Fact.MR tracks cocoa production and consumption across key European markets. The report is available for direct purchase, however, a sample of the report has been made available by Fact.MR at

According to the report, Europe stands as the largest cocoa beans consumer – way ahead of North America and Asia-Pacific regions. Europe has seven of the top ten chocolate consuming countries in terms of per capita. Netherlands, France, Belgium, and Germany are the key importers as well as consumers of cocoa. While food and beverages remains the key sector using cocoa, the demand is also growing in pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and personal care industry.

Cocoa Powder Outsells Butter and Liquor Variants

The Fact.MR study opines that cocoa powder demand has been growing at a faster pace in the region, over cocoa butter and cocoa liquor. Fact.MR estimates that cocoa supply has been in surplus in Europe since past several years, owing to a straight growth in demand. The stakeholders in the European cocoa market most importantly the manufacturers of finished products, are gauzing the consumer sentiments well, and hence keeping their inventory levels satiated.

The comprehensive study is available for direct purchase, get your copy now at

One of the key factors driving the European cocoa consumption is the blend of tradition and innovation in the cocoa products processing. Europeans prefer chocolate in the form of both bars and drinks. European consumers are not only concerned about their intrinsic health, but also have a great concern for their skin. This factor has kept aloft the demand for cocoa butter in the European cosmetics industry. Because cocoa is edible and its taste is liked by the European masses, its application in lip balms is not uncommon. Besides, the European cosmetics companies are also increasing the number of their products such as body lotions and facial creams having cocoa as an ingredient.

European drug shelves crowd a range of nutraceutical and health supplement products with cocoa. Chocolate is one of the most identical flavor to European neutraceutical consumers, due to which the demand of cocoa in this industry. The research works on cocoa has stated the favorable impact of cocoa in the cardio-metabolic diseases, which motivates the European medical advisors and consultants to encourage their customers and clients to use cocoa based pharmaceutical products. These factors are likely to provide an impetus to the growth of Europe cocoa market.

Besides, individual fondness of cocoa, there are several activities that further aggravates the interest levels of stakeholders in this industry. Food and beverages trade fairs in Europe are one of the prime drivers of cocoa demand in the region. Finland is one of key countries organizing such events, which includes Wine, Food & Good Living, e-Commerce and Shop Tech, and Gastro Helsinki. In Wine, Foods & Good Living exhibition, there are significant number of stands for beverages cocoa. The e-Commerce and Shop Tech exhibition trade fair brings the industry stakeholders at a common place to web a mesh of planning heads. Gastro Helsinki is a trade fair that focuses on bringing hotels, restaurants, and catering industries on a discussion platform. Some of the other trade fairs and events promoting cocoa and chocolate in Europe include Salon du Chocolat (France), Intersuc (France), Sial (France), Chocoa Trade Fair (Netherlands), Eurochocolate (Italy), and BioFach (Germany). These events have helped rejuvenated the interest and thus demand for cocoa and cocoa products in the region.

About the Report

Fact.MR’s report on cocoa market offers a pragmatic and comprehensive analysis that are influencing demand and supply in Europe and beyond. The research study tracks the consumption and production of cocoa in Europe. An in-depth analysis on the product and business strategies of key players has been included in the research study.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Global Tilapia Market Study: The escalating #US-China #tradewar can have an impact on tilapia sales in the US, as #China is one of the largest #exporters to the US

Tilapia Export and Domestic Market Price Forecast, US$ per KG

DUBLIN 2, Ireland, 23-Oct-2018 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — Fact.MR, a leading research firm that tracks markets in over 150 countries, announces the launch of its recent study that offers an in-depth analysis on the global tilapia trade. The 170-page report is a comprehensive source of insights that tracks the production and consumption of tilapia in key markets, including the US, China, Canada, France, UK, and Spain. The Fact.MR study is available for direct purchase; readers also have the option of requesting a sample of the report.

Sample available at

The Fact.MR study offers in-depth analysis on the key factors influencing tilapia sales. Key insights from the report:

  • China, the largest producer of tilapia, accounted for nearly 28% of global production in 2017
  • Production is increasing in Egypt and Indonesia – collectively, these two markets accounted for over 36% of global production in 2017
  • Declining consumption in key markets are putting strains on profit margins of key players
  • Low profit margins are influencing tilapia farmers to focus on other specialty fishes, such as pangasius
  • The sluggishness in US tilapia consumption is offset, to a certain degree, by increase in Russian Federation and increasing domestic consumption
  • Tilapia exports remain concentrated in the frozen variety – over 80% of total US demand for tilapia was for frozen variants
  • Sensing the weak demand in US, Asian producers are focusing on increasing their footprint in domestic markets

China: The World’s Largest Producer of Tilapia 

China remains the single largest supplier of tilapia to the world, however, it is facing increasing competition from other Asian countries, including Bangladesh, Vietnam, Egypt, and Indonesia. Faced with declining demand in the US, Chinese producers are focusing on increasing their footprint in Africa. Further, rising domestic demand in China has also offset some of the weakness encountered due to declining consumption in the US.

Tilapia Production by Key Countries (‘000 KT)
2015 A 2016 A 2017 A 2022 F 2028 F
Greater China 1,850 1,930 1,989 2,313 2,580
Indonesia XX XX XX XX XX
Philippines XX XX XX XX XX
Vietnam XX XX XX XX XX

(A: Actual; F: Forecast)

Speak to the authors of this report for more information on redacted figures.

United States: The World’s Largest Consumer of Tilapia

Tilapia sales in the US are witnessing a decline, after gaining popularity as a low-cost seafood option for Americans. Although tilapia is still one of the popular seafood varieties in the US, the overall decline in frozen food products is rubbing off on tilapia as well. The escalating US-China trade war can have an impact on tilapia sales in the US, as China is one of the largest exporters to the US. According to the Fact.MR study, sales of fresh/chilled tilapia fillets and whole tilapia is likely to witness a decline in the US.

Tilapia Market: A Highly Fragmented Landscape 

The tilapia market remains highly fragmented, with tier III companies accounting for over 50% revenue share. Consumer preference towards fresh tilapia is met through domestic production, especially in China and Asian countries, especially in countries where consumption is less than production. Further, stringent regulations on the export of tilapia mean that small fish farmers rely on local sales.

According to the Fact.MR study, product diversification and compliance to regulations in developed countries are the key focus areas of Tier I and Tier II players. These players are also focusing on issues that are of paramount importance to their target audience, such as eco-labeling and low use of antibiotics.

The Fact.MR study on the tilapia market tracks the business and product strategies of the key producers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. The key companies profiled in the Fact.MR report include,

  • Baiyang Aquatic Group
  • Blue Ridge Aquaculture, Inc.
  • Global Fish
  • Guangdong Guomei Aquatic Products Co.
  • Hainan Sky-Blue Ocean Foods Co.
  • Hainan Xiangtai Fishery Co.
  • Hanjiang Evergreen Aquatic Product Science and Technology Co Ltd.
  • Hebei Zhongjie Tilapia Breeding Co. Ltd.
  • Mazzetta Company, LLC.
  • Northern Tilapia Inc.
  • Sunshine Tilapia Corp.
  • Til-Aqua International
  • Tongwei Co.

170 Pages, 48 tables, 94 figures, 50+ countries. Get a copy of the report now.

About the Report

“Tilapia Market Forecast, Trend Analysis and Competition Tracking – Global Review 2018-2028” focuses on prominent trends in the production and consumption of tilapia in key regions. The vital facets of the market including market drivers, restraints, opportunities, and threats have been diligently analyzed in this market. The report also profiles the business and product strategies of some of the leading players in the market.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Europe Halloumi Cheese Market: Brands are Positioning Halloumi Cheese as a Healthy Alternative to Conventional Cheese

DUBLIN 2, Ireland, 16-Oct-2018 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — Glancing through the dairy segment of retail aisles in Europe offers a clear comparison of preference for halloumi cheese than other cheese varieties. According to a Fact.MR study on halloumi cheese market, 76% of modern trade outlets and 92% of online grocery retailers had halloumi cheese in their offerings.

Not only has the consumer base expanded, but per capita consumption of Halloumi cheese has also witnessed an increase

Ease of availability is a key factor that has led to an increase in halloumi cheese sales worldwide, particularly in Europe. The Fact.MR study includes an analysis on the sentiments of retailers who did not have halloumi cheese in their product offerings – nearly 48% of the Eastern European retailers mentioned ‘increased customer enquiry’ about the availability of halloumi cheese over the past two years.

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Furthermore, not only has the consumer base increased, but the per capita consumption has also surged in Europe. Apart from Cyprus, which is a clear outlier in terms of per capita consumption of halloumi cheese, average consumption in Europe stands slightly less than a pound per year.

Halloumi Cheese Demand Growing on the Backdrop of Specialty Cheese Preference

Along with increased consumer base and per capita consumption of halloumi cheese in Europe, there’s an another dimension that plays a critical role. “It’s the variety of specialty and halloumi cheese which consumers are inclined towards. “Organic” has become another buzzword these days, which is mostly due to increased health consciousness and lifestyle changes among consumers, says Mr. Shambhu Nath Jha, Senior Consultant at Fact.MR. “The selection process of grocery products has widely changed among several consumer clusters, as they are moving away from lucrative offers toward products with added health benefits. Labels and certifications on cheese products were not as important to consumers earlier as they have become now,” adds Mr. Jha.

Digital Visibility Acting as a Catalyst for Halloumi Cheese Sales in Europe

One of the key reasons for increasing demand for halloumi cheese is its increasing presence on e-commerce shelves. This has had a significant impact on awareness about the product.

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“Specialty online channels are gaining popularity across Europe, owing to significant consumer demand for specialty products from Tier II and suburban areas. Online grocery retailers have broadened the access of their offerings to reach a wider demographic. The ease of access provided by online channels has led to the multi-dimensional growth, which has augured well for the prospects of halloumi cheese producers,” opines Mr. Jha.

Halloumi cheese has been growing at double-digit growth rate through online retail, and it is further expected to increase in the years to come. Developing countries, especially India and China, have gained significant traction in the online grocery sales and due to this, several cheese manufacturers and traders have partnered with specialty online stores.

Brands are Positioning Halloumi Cheese as a Healthy Alternative to Conventional Cheese

“The reason halloumi cheese sells like hot cakes across Europe is because it’s so moreish. However, a question even avid consumers ask is, “It tastes so good, but can it, in some way, be healthy? And, the answers are encouraging. Halloumi cheese is an excellent source of calcium and protein, and moderate intake can be advantageous,” says Mr. Jha.

Halloumi cheese producers are leveraging these attributes of the product in marketing, and positioning it as a healthy alternative to conventional cheese. However, it’s worthwhile to note that halloumi cheese is high in saturated fats and salts, and too much of halloumi cheese consumption can aggravate certain health conditions. There are cheese variants that are healthier than halloumi – feta, mozzarella, and cottage cheese. However, halloumi is considered as a healthier option than goat cheese and cheddar cheese

Burgeoning Demand Exerting Pressure on Production Capacities

Halloumi cheese is native to Cyprus, however, the surge in its demand globally has encouraged the local dairy producers in other European and non-European countries to produce it domestically. As a result, foray of new players has been witnessed in the halloumi cheese market. The burgeoning demand for halloumi cheese in Europe, especially in the UK, has catalyzed efforts to implement a genomic scheme to boost production in Cyprus. “The way forward for greater halloumi production is industry-institution collaboration,” concludes Mr. Jha.

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SOURCE: EuropaWire

Study: Increasing preference for convenience and premium #food products among European consumers results in the increasing use of emulsifiers

DUBLIN 2, Ireland, 11-Oct-2018 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — The unwavering consumer focus on personal variables such as effects of aging, being conscious about self-image and physical attractiveness has been capitalized by personal care product manufacturers, and as an outcome, new personal care and cosmetic products are introduced to the market on every day basis. Furthermore, personal care and cosmetic product manufacturers have also shifted towards ingredients that impart multi-functional properties to products. Among various types of such ingredients, including but not limited to, modifiers, emollients, and stabilizers, emulsifiers and co-emulsifiers are witnessing a surge in demand, especially from the cosmetics and personal care in Europe. According to a Fact.MR study, Europe accounts for nearly 40% revenue share of the global emulsifier and co-emulsifier market.

Food emulsifiers and co-emulsifiers are classified into broader categories i.e. synthetic and natural emulsifiers or bio-based emulsifiers. According to the Fact.MR study, of the total 464 KT demand for emulsifier and co-emulsifier in Europe in 2017, the difference between bio-based emulsifier and synthetic emulsifier was insignificant. Synthetic emulsifiers and co-emulsifiers lead the pack currently, however, demand for bio-based variants is encouraging, signifying shifting consumer preferences.

Bio-based emulsifiers have the advantages of being economic to the scale of production, are non-toxic, and easy to handle. According to Fact.MR’s study, demand for bio-based emulsifiers is likely to witness a surge on account of these attributes. However, the study opines that challenges, especially large volume needed to be effective as emulsifier, along with the need for preservative while using these natural emulsifiers can stymie uptake.

Request a Sample of Emulsifier and Co-Emulsifier Market Study

Although the Fact.MR study remains bullish on the long-term prospects of emulsifier and co-emulsifier market, adoption of feasible alternatives by the food processing and personal care industry can impede growth. The effectiveness of new baking enzymes, such as lipases & transglutaminase, can offset the demand for emulsifiers and co-emulsifiers. This enzyme helps in cross-linking the gluten proteins as well as improves the stability and consistency of the dough. Enzymes are proving to be a better alternative to emulsifiers owing to their cost-effectiveness. These enzymes are of utmost importance with regards to mixing, handling and fermentation stages of dough.

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The myriad properties of emulsifiers — stabilized emulsions, homogeneity in creams and solutions, and stabilization in the anti-aging as well as hydrating creams — make these a perfect fit as an ingredient. Additionally, the market actors at different nodes in the value chain understand the relevance of keeping product development in sync with the end user demand, be it the base ingredient or additives for formulation. For instance, as skin care formulations are becoming stronger, formulators are focusing on manufacturing multi-functional and effective emulsifiers that enable development of sophisticated personal care products.

Europe’s Food Sector Energizing Emulsifier Demand

Emulsifiers also find application as a food additive, wherein these are used for maintaining product quality by retaining the fat content. Increasing incidences of food borne diseases has pushed food processors to use emulsifiers and co-emulsifiers of different source, grade, and quality.

Increasing preference for convenience and premium food products among European consumers is resulting in the increasing use of emulsifiers. Demand for emulsifiers has also received a fillip on account of the broader health and wellness trend, as emulsifier use can help manufacturers reduce fat content while improving texture and taste.

Along with fat retention, emulsifiers also help maintain overall quality of the food, which has boosted their uptake in the food processing industry.

Food brands across Europe are increasing the use of emulsifiers and co-emulsifiers in their products, to prolong shelf life, reducing enzyme attack kinetics as well as prevent food decomposition. FDA and several other organizations have enacted a set of safety norms in order to regulate the use of food preservatives. Industry leaders in food processing and ingredient supply are investing in research and development for formulations that are healthy, and do not carry risk of side-effects – Cargill’s new innovation of de-oiled canola lecithin in its product range of emulsifiers stands as an apt example.

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SOURCE: EuropaWire

HL Agro explores new markets for its Agri-Products at SIAL China 2018

Fosters a global pitch for its processed range of Sesame Seeds, Corn starch & Derivatives

Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2018-Apr-11 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — HL Agro, a name known for promoting agricultural products of India, today announces its participation to the forthcoming session of SIAL China, befalling on 16 May – 18 May in Shanghai International Expo Centre. SIAL China is the fourth biggest food show in the world, dedicated to the food & beverage retail, hospitality, and wine industries.

At this year’s show, HL Agro will be exhibiting its manufactured range of sesame seeds, starch & corn derivatives & attempt to position its products directly with the various import/distribution segments in China and Asia including packaged food manufacturers, supermarket/hypermarkets, wholesalers, foodservice providers (hotels/restaurants) & importers/trade agents. HL Agro will be held at Booth at E2- A026 in the Food sector of the Expo Centre.

Having been in the agro industry for nearly two decades, HL Agro Products specializes in delivering a splendid bevy of food ingredients that are invariably processed & packed in accordance with the international standards of quality & food safety. The company holds the necessary capacity to produce & meet any scale of demand for natural/ hulled sesame seeds, starch & corn derivatives helmed by its technologically advanced automated processing units & robust supply chain mechanisms. With this year’s SIAL China, the company visions to meet, explore the market trends and network with the decision makers in the food industry to align & garner business opportunities for its product cluster.

SIAL China is expected to draw around 3,400 exhibitors representing over 70 countries this year. Besides offering a business platform for the industry players, the event also enables them to keep abreast with the current technologies, market situations & exchange worldwide best practices to solve their food business issues. Leveraging on this prestigious event, HL Agro attempts to secure global visibility & reach to the international markets.

Expressing his views on the exhibit, Mr. Akhilesh Sahu, Managing Director of the company said, “ We look forward to SIAL China as a business avenue to unleash new opportunities and strengthen trade relations with distant markets. And after tremendous successes in our Middle Eastern & European markets, we firmly believe it is time for us to proceed towards new horizons and expand into the regional and Asian food markets as envisioned in the SIAL China 2018.”

The requests for event invites or pre-scheduling a meeting at the show can be addressed at

Via EPR Network
More Food & Beverage press releases offer five pairs of tickets to Taste of London

Win tickets and sample food from 40 of London’s hottest restaurants

LONDON, June 04, 2015 — /EPR NETWORK/ — LondonTown has teamed up with top food festival, Taste of London, to offer five lucky winners a pair of tickets to the al fresco gastronomic showcase at Regent’s Park, and for those who want to stay in the city overnight there are many London hotels, from five star to affordable but trendy hotels, to choose from.

Always a foodie highlight of the summer, Taste of London offers a tantalising selection of world-class chefs and 40 of London’s hottest restaurants all gathered together in one place at London’s Regent’s Park from 17th – 21st June 2015.

New London restaurants taking part in the 2015 festival include contemporary Chinese restaurant Chai Wu, South East London’s latest haunt Artusi, Jose Pizarro’s authentic Spanish Pizarro, The Clove Club which serves cutting edge cuisine in Shoreditch Town Hall, The Palomar with its modern fare from Jerusalem and contemporary Japanese cooking from Aqua Kyoto.

Further new London restaurants partaking in Taste of London are Peruvian hotspot LIMA Floral, Anna Hansen’s newest venture, Modern Pantry mark II, and Marcus Wareing’s Tredwell’s.

Returning again are Taste of London favourites The House of Ho, L’Anima, Club Gascon, Spice Market, Ember Yard, Duck & Waffle, SushiSamba and Roka.

Top chefs Marcus Wareing, La Gavroche’s superstar sous chef Monica Galetti and the man responsible for revolutionising the way we eat Indian food, Atul Kochhar, are all appearing at Taste of London in 2015. Added to the mix are Mexican street food chef and entrepreneur Thomasina Miers, and Michelin starred Portuguese chef Nuno Mendes, head chef at celebrity favourite Chiltern Firehouse.

To enter the LondonTown Taste of London competition, go to LondonTown, answer the simple question and email your answer before 12noon on Monday 8th June 2015. The website also has a large number of London hotels to suit all budgets is given as well as information on restaurants, attractions and all the current London events.



About is the number one Internet site for London. With over 18 years of experience assisting visitors to the capital, they pride themselves on their customer service and editorial independence – no banner advertising or paid for content is allowed. The team assist in finding cheap London hotels, sightseeing tours, ticket information and events. Trusted and with a loyal following, is a very reliable source of recommendations and advice on what to do in London.

Via EPR Network
More Food & Beverage press releases

The Menu Maker Helps Restaurants Offset Food Costs with Online Menu Design

Mauston, WI, March 7, 2015 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — The Menu Maker announced the launch of their new website, Online Menu Design, an online menu creator for the hospitality industry.

Like the name suggests, Online Menu Design is an online editing tool that allows the end-user to create table tents, menu page inserts and 2-sided menus.

Owner Jane Ogurek says this is a cost effective way for food service providers to offset rising food costs. “Online Menu Design is an easy, economical way to adjust menu prices and to increase sales with in-house marketing,” adding that she has received positive feedback about the professional designs. Duff Dyer of Dyer Graphics said, “As someone with many years of producing menus for some of the country’s most successful operations, my hat is off to you for a job extremely well done.”

Similar to using Microsoft Word, the end-user chooses a layout, a background, and enters their text; they can also add photos and highlight higher-profit or signature items. “We’re extremely pleased to offer Online Menu Design. It’s a great way to stay current with food trends and food costs. I believe this is the best online editing tool on the market!” Ms. Ogurek said.

Online Menu Design and The Menu Maker specialize in menu design and provide marketing materials to the hospitality industry. For more information, please visit or


Jane Ogurek

The Menu Maker announced the launch of their new website, Online Menu Design, an online menu creator for the hospitality industry
The Menu Maker announced the launch of their new website, Online Menu Design, an online menu creator for the hospitality industry

Theme Menu Art
Theme Menu Art

Hays PureWater Launches $10,000 Campaign To Save Lives

WASHINGTON, IA, November 25, 2014 — /EPR FOOD AND BEVERAGE NEWS/ — 783 million people live each day without clean water and 3.4 million die annually from a lack of pure water. To combat these staggering statistics, Washington-based nonprofit, Hays PureWater, launched a crowd-funding campaign. The money raised will fund 30 Khlor Glen technology units to purify water for 150,000 individuals. The organization hopes to raise $10,000 by December 1st.

Hosted on crowd-funding platform IndieGoGo, the project offers nine sponsorship levels. Each level includes novelty “rewards” for donors, ranging from stickers to t-shirts to a trip to Haiti. The rewards are unique, innovative and hands on, giving donors a sense of ownership in the project. For just $2,500, an investor can travel to Haiti (all inclusive) to see the life changing benefits first hand.

The Khlor Glen is a simple unit that turns salt water into chlorine. The chlorine treats infected water, removing deadly impurities and toxins in just one hour. It’s solar powered and easily used in remote areas, where clean water is most needed. “It will also impact malaria zones as it can be used as a bug repellant and protect from disease,” says founder John Hays. “Even just using the chlorine produced by the unit as a sanitizer can cut down on so many infections that the natives in these areas don’t even know exist.”

In the last eight years, Hays PureWater distributed over 4,000 purifying units around the world, changing entire communities by implementing this system. It’s proven to work. Hays builds each system with the help of a dedicated group of volunteers. Nothing is outsourced, ensuring the most effective product for the lowest cost. Now all they need is help from their community to change the lives of those in need once more.

See the crowd-funding campaign here:

ABOUT Hays PureWater
In 2006, after traveling around developing nations on missions trips, John Hays began to create a low cost, portable solution for water purification. John, who worked with municipal water works for over 30 years, put his experience to use and developed the Khlor Gen system. Through the years, the design and look has been changed and improved, but the mission has stayed the same. The organization exists to provide people with clean water, reaching out to them through word and deed. Eight years and 4,000 units later, that mission continues full steam ahead. For more information, logon to



Contact-Details: TJ Widbin

Via EPR Network
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