Category Archives: Health Food

Cannavista Wellness Continues to Give Back by Supporting Local Charitable Organizations

Buchanan, Michigan, USA, 2022-Jun-24 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — July 3rd, 2022 – Buchanna Fest – On the Common – Cannavista Wellness is pleased to announce Buchanna Fest – On the Common, live music event to be held at the Buchanan City Commons on Sunday July 3rd from 12pm to 8:00pm. Buchanna Fest will feature Master of Ceremonies, Freddie Miller, a well-known regional comedic celebrity who has appeared several times on the Jimmie Kimmel show.

The day long music event will feature a wide variety of music by well-known musical groups that includes: “That What She Said”, Hour Glass / Sypian family, Tre Marquis / RiverRats, and Wolf Ticket / The Erly.

Complimenting the live musical performances at Buchanna Fest – On the Common, amazing foods and craft beers prepared by Woodstock Grill, La Chula and River St. Joe are sure to delight one and all.

Click here for directions:

Buchanna Fest – On the Common is a fund-raising initiative supporting not for profit Lyla Grace Corporation for the benefit of the citizens of the greater Buchanan community. Suggested tax-deductible donation is $10.00 per family unit with all proceeds directed toward improving Buchanan public parks.

Enjoy the best local music, food and craft beer on Sunday July 3rd from 12-8:00pm and help make your community a better place.

Freddie Miller
Master of Ceremonies
Live Music by:
That’s What She Said
Hour Glass / Sypian Family
Tre Marquis / RiverRats
Wolf Ticket / The Erly
Food and Drink by:
Woodstock Grill
La Chula
River St. Joe

In addition to Buchanna Fest – On the Commons, we cordially invite out of state visitors to explore other attractions in greater Buchanan. See:

About Cannavista Wellness:

Cannavista Wellness provides compassionate, patient-focused medical and recreational marijuana provisioning. Our facility is located in the heart of Buchanan, Michigan’s storied downtown. Our historic location has been beautifully restored and repurposed into a welcoming medical and adult-use marijuana provisioning center. We have assembled a team of friendly and highly knowledgeable consultants and provided them with quality cannabis education to help serve as your guides the best cannabis products. We are here to educate our community, serve our community and improve your well-being.

About the Lyla Grace Corporation:

The Lyla Grace Corporation was formed to strengthen communities by supporting programs and facilities where funding is insufficient or nonexistent. Lyla Grace Corporation is a nonprofit where hope and charity grow. The organization is a private nonprofit corporation established to provide community charitable funds distribution for the establishment of needed community resources for all citizens.

Via EPR Network
More Food & Beverage press releases

Das Projekt [I Love fruit & veg from Europe] fördert schmackhafte, kreative und nahrhafte Gerichte sowohl unter dem Weihnachtsbaum als auch auf dem Tisch

ZÜRICH, 20-Dec-2021 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE/ — Während der Festtage gut zu essen, ohne sich dabei zusätzliche Pfunde zuzulegen, ist nicht unmöglich. Die Weihnachtsgrüsse, die das Projekt “I love fruit & veg from Europe” an alle Schweizer schickt, sind voll von saisonalen europäischen Produkten mit Bio- und Qualitätssiegeln und zielen darauf ab, Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden auf dem Tisch zu fördern. Im Dezember umarmen saisonales Obst und Gemüse die Weihnachtszeit regelrecht mit ihren warmen Farben, beleben die Festtage und verwöhnen den Gaumen mit einzigartigen Geschmäckern, die wir auf den Tellern der Festtagsmahle vorfinden. Im Winter sind Zitrusfrüchte das Obst schlechthin: frisch, durstlöschend, reich an Vitaminen B und C und zugleich kalorienarm. Mandarinen, Orangen, Mandaranci, Grapefruits und Clementinen dürfen in keiner Obstschale fehlen. Wohlduftend, einladend und farbenfroh – Mandarinen sind die einzige süsse Frucht in der Familie der Zitrusfrüchte. Sie sind sehr bekömmlich, regulieren den Blutdruck und stärken das Immunsystem.

Eine umweltfreundliche und kreative Idee ist, die Festtagstischdekoration aus Mandarinen und kleinen Tannenzapfen oder einem weihnachtlichen Strauss zu gestalten: Einfach Obst und Lieblingsdekoration auf Holzstäbchen auffädeln, mit Klebeband fixieren, mit Geschenkpapier umwickeln und mit einer bunten Schleife zusammenbinden.

Wussten Sie, dass der Mandarinenbaum drei Hybridfrüchte hervorgebracht hat? Es gibt: die Clementine, eine Kreuzung zwischen Mandarinen und Mandarancios, die Mandarancio, eine Kombination aus Mandarinen und Orangen, und die Mapo, eine Kombination aus Grapefruit und Mandarine.

Was ist das Weihnachtsobst schlechthin? Rote Kerne und viel Glück – die Rede ist vom Granatapfel. Früher war es ein gutes Omen für das neue Jahr, wenn man ihn zu Weihnachten verschenkte und ihn dann am Silvesterabend mit der ganzen Familie teilte. Der Granatapfel ist mit 65 Kalorien pro 100 Gramm eine kalorienarme Frucht, die hauptsächlich aus Wasser (etwa 80%), Ballaststoffen und Zucker besteht und reich an Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen ist.

Er kann in Risottos, ersten Gängen mit Fisch, in Salaten, Obstsalaten und Desserts verwendet werden. Auch für einen leckeren Aperitif eignet er sich hervorragend. Die leckeren kleinen Segmente der Frucht passen zu fast allem und eignen sich zudem perfekt, um eine elegante Weihnachtsdekorationen für Ihr Zuhause und den Festtagstisch zu kreieren.

Der ungeschlagenen Gewinner unter den Gemüsesorten ist wohl der Blumenkohl, oder besser gesagt die Gruppe der sogenannten “Kreuzblütler”, der er angehört. Aus ihnen lassen sich viele Rezepte zaubern, die uns die kalte Jahreszeit verschönern. Blumenkohl kann weiss, gelb, grün oder violett sein, es gibt jedoch auch den Romanesco-Kohl, den vielseitigen Brokkoli, Stängelkohl und Wirsing. Kurzum, im Dezember gibt es eine Fülle von Obst- und Gemüsesorten, aus denen sich mit dem richtigen Rezept ein gesundes und schmackhaftes Festtagsmenü zaubern lässt. Brokkoli ist gesund, reich an Wasser, Vitaminen und Mineralsalzen und hat dabei wenig Kalorien: 25 pro 100 Gramm.

Schmackhaft und zudem ein Symbol des Wohlstands:
Linsen feiern ein grosses Comeback auf dem Festtagstisch, allerdings sind sie so gesund, dass man sie mindestens einmal pro Woche essen sollte. Sie sind die weltweit am häufigsten verzehrte Hülsenfrucht und eine unvergleichliche Nährstoffquelle: Sie sind reich an Mineralien, Ballaststoffen und Vitaminen sowie an Eisen, Phosphor und Antioxidantien. Da sie oft als Beilage gegessen werden, empfiehlt es sich, sie als pflanzliche Eiweissquelle mit Nudeln oder Getreide (oder natürlich mit Gemüse) zu essen, um so in nur einem einzigen Gericht mit allen essentiellen Aminosäuren versorgt zu werden.

Gesunde und kreative Ideen?
Wie wäre es mit einer Suppe mit Reis und Linsen, die Sie mit Ihrem Lieblingsgemüse der Saison anreichern, oder mit Vollkornnudeln mit dem Gemüse Ihrer Wahl oder auch warmen Salaten mit Zwiebeln, Trockenobst und gedünstetem Gemüse…

Unter dem Weihnachtsbaum des Projekts “I love fruit & veg from Europe” liegt ein ganzer Korb voller wunderbarem saisonalem Obst und Gemüse, mit dem Sie sich in der Küche austoben und zu Ihrem Wohlbefinden beitragen können. Darüber hinaus befindet sich im Korb ein exklusives, auf Zitrusfrüchten basierendes Rezept von Andy Zaugg, der sich mit dem Restaurant zum Alten Stephan in Solothurn (1* Michelin, 17 Punkte GaultMillau) einen Namen gemacht hatte. Andy Zaugg steht für eine Küche, die viel Freude bereitet. Sie ist geprägt von einer grossen Harmonie der Aromen und Texturen. Raffiniert, elegant und im Kern doch immer sehr einfach. Heute präsentiert Andy Zaugg seine souveräne Handwerkskunst zusammen mit seiner Geschäftspartnerin und Ehefrau Roberta Zaugg schweizweit als Caterer. In Sternekochkursen und als Coach vermittelt er seine Leidenschaft fürs Kochen, Geniessen und die Sensorik.

Orangen-Fenchelsalat orientalische Art mit Senfkörnern
Portionen: 4


1 Fenchel
1 dl japanischer Reisessig «süss», Rice vinegar für Sushi
1 MS Vitamin C, Ascorbinsäure
3 Bio-Orangen, nur Zesten und Filets
1 Bio-Limette, nur Zeste und Saft
1 EL Senfkörner gelb
1 Stk. Kardamom
1 TL Kreuzkümmel
2 EL Zucker
Getrocknete Blütenmischung zur Dekoration
wenig Rosa Pfeffer

wenig frischer Koriander
Pfeffer aus der Mühle
Fleur de sel
Olivenöl extra nativ

Den Fenchel fein aufschneiden und mit dem Reisessig marinieren. Die Orangen- und Limettenzesten sowie eine Messerspitze Ascorbinsäure(Vitamin C) dazugeben. Die Orangen filetieren, den Saft für die spätere Verwendung zurückbehalten. Den Zucker karamellisieren, mit dem Limettensaft und einem Esslöffel Wasser ablöschen und mit dem Saft der Orangen, Kreuzkümmel, Kardamom und den Senfkörnern einreduzieren. Die Orangenfilets beigeben und auf die Seite stellen. Den Fenchelsalat auf der Tellermitte anrichten. Die Reduktion über den Fenchelsalat geben und zum Abschluss ein. wenig um den Salat träufeln. Mit Olivenöl, dem Rosa Pfeffer, Pfeffer aus der Mühle und Fleur de sel abschmecken und den Blüten sowie dem Koriander ausgarnieren.

It’s from Europe!

SOURCE: EuropaWire


Senior Director of Sales and Director of Operations will help accelerate growth

Los Angeles, CA, 2021-Sep-28 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — Maxine’s Heavenly, a Los Angeles-based company that makes decadent cookies for the sugar-conscious consumer, has added two key roles to their rapidly expanding team.

Samuel Neumann joins Maxine’s Heavenly as Senior National Director of Sales, following a nine year tenure with Mondelez International where he spent time in both Sales & Marketing positions across a variety of different accounts and brands. This included leading commercialization for one of the largest cookie brands in the world, ChipsAhoy. Most recently, Sam managed the U.S Costco business for Mondelez International.

Sam will lead sales for Maxine’s Heavenly leveraging his proven track record of success in creating strategic growth plans, building strong retailer partnerships, and unlocking sustainable growth within the snacking category.

Joseph Salvatore joins Maxine’s Heavenly as the brand’s Director of Supply Chain & Operations. Joseph has spent over a decade scaling operations for fast-growth companies, serving as part of the core team for two brands that made the “World’s Most Innovative Companies” annual listing by Fast Company. Previously, he was responsible for operations at natural brands like TIO Gazpacho and Exo Protein, where he worked directly with the creators of Magic Spoon.

Additionally, Joseph is an expert in Sustainability, having helped build cocoa direct and fair trade supply chains benefiting hundreds of family farmers in Madagascar for a social enterprise. He will help drive Maxine’s sustainability initiatives to achieve their goal of a “Triple Bottom Line.”

“I cannot think of two more qualified and exciting candidates to help drive our organization’s next phase of hyper-growth,” said CEO Robert Petrarca. “Both bring a passion for the brand along with tremendous industry expertise. With the addition of Sam and Joseph, we plan to continue to shake up the baking category and lead the charge on the future of snacking.”

The healthy cookie brand currently offers 7 every day and 3 seasonal flavors of super soft-baked cookies sweetened with unrefined coconut sugar and dates. Maxine’s Heavenly cookies are proudly free of sugar alcohols, stevia, monk fruit, refined white sugar, and artificial sweeteners.

About Maxine’s Heavenly: Maxine’s Heavenly makes decadent desserts with unrefined sugar and wholesome ingredients, so you can satisfy your sweet tooth without the guilt. Using mom’s baking for inspiration, we go the extra mile to make sure our treats taste like home, not the store. Learn more at


Media contact:

Rachel B. Carmichael
Maxine’s Heavenly


Low sugar cookie brand adds key club account to its growing list of partners

Los Angeles, CA, 2021-Aug-25 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — Maxine’s Heavenly, a Los Angeles-based company that makes decadent cookies for the sugar-conscious consumer, will be featured at select California and Hawaii Costco stores this August and September.

The healthy cookie brand’s club debut will feature a 20.8 oz pouch of their best-selling flavor: Chocolate Chocolate Chunk Soft-baked Cookies. Lightly sweetened with coconut sugar and dates, Maxine’s Heavenly cookies are proudly free of sugar alcohols, stevia, monk fruit, refined white sugar, and artificial sweeteners.

Maxine’s unique taste-first approach to the better-for-you market fits well with the core Costco customer: busy families who are looking to buy in larger quantities, but also want healthy, high-quality foods.

The brand’s relentlessly high standards for taste and ingredients has created a groundswell of support from consumers who are tired of their love/hate relationship with sugar.

⦁ “I feel good being able to satisfy my sweet tooth with great ingredients.” – Tamara

⦁ “I don’t feel guilty when I eat Maxine’s Heavenly cookies because of the natural goodness.” – El

⦁ “These cookies have a great taste and texture, plus none of those refined sugars that are so bad for you.” – Toby

⦁ “These are my kid’s favorite after-school snack, and I don’t feel bad letting them have a few because the ingredients are so good.” – Ernesto

⦁ “They taste great and are a great alternative when you want to be health conscious but still enjoy cookies. – Michelle

Maxine’s Heavenly can be found in 54 Los Angeles-area Costco clubs, 27 Bay area clubs, and 7 clubs in Hawaii. Customers can find participating Costcos by visiting the Maxine’s Heavenly store locator or by checking with their local club for availability. Customers are also encouraged to purchase while limited-supplies last.

About Maxine’s Heavenly: Maxine’s Heavenly makes decadent desserts with unrefined sugar and wholesome ingredients, so you can satisfy your sweet tooth without the guilt. Using mom’s baking for inspiration, we go the extra mile to make sure our treats taste like home, not the store. Learn more at


Spicy Organics Launches New Website Expanding Their Reach With Exclusive & Quality Products Providing Diverse Options & 40 Years Of Experience

McKinney, Texas, 2021-May-24 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — Spicy Organic, the top pick for organic spices, herbs, teas and essential oils online, today announced the official launch of their website and online shop. With an abiding reputation built on innovation and reliability, the company works with their own network of hundreds of farmers to cultivate lands. More than a spice company, Spicy Organics brings customers the highest quality products and premium service, while also ensuring a sustainable future for their growers, the new website will officially launch on May 24th.

The global organic spice market is anticipated to grow at an annual rate of 10% and estimated to be valued at almost 23 billion dollars by 2025. Organic farming is an agricultural system which originated early in the 20th century in reaction to rapidly changing farming practices. This type of farming uses new techniques to remove spices from bacteria, avoiding harmful pesticides. Spices are not used to merely add flavor and variety, they are also sought after for health benefits such as their antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Spicy Organic offers pure, great-tasting, high quality organic spices, herbs and more while supporting farmers and promoting organic agriculture around the world.

With a strong belief that organic food is an essential choice for personal as well as for environmental health, their products feature premier ingredients and are sourced from global brands. Unlike other spice markets or sellers, Spicy Organics maintains a traceability throughout the process so customers can easily trace their spices from farm to plate. Searching across the world for diverse flavors, the company works closely with farmers and distributors alike, to make sure each part of their supply chain aligns with their commitment to quality.

“Our story is a journey of passion and discovery – we’re enhancers of the culinary experience. Meal time is special as we congregate and share memories with friends and family and we strive to provide the products that allow you to savor those experiences.” said Sunil Kumar, founder of Spicy Organic LLC. “We are thrilled to launch the new website and strongly feel it lines up perfectly with our company core vision for growth and expansion in the future, and to support and promote organic farming.”

Over 40 years ago Kumar’s family, hailing from very humble beginnings, opened a single store in India. The family had a small farm on which they grew high quality spices and, gradually, their dedication to high standards, reliability and providing only the best to their customers grew into a sustainable retail business. Through the years, Kumar has acquired significant knowledge and understanding about organic farming, as well as selecting, growing, harvesting and processing premium organic spices and herbs.

“Spicy Organic is committed to help upgrade the standards of living, spreading awareness for increased environmental concerns and the rise in what can only be termed ‘health hazard diseases’ that come from eating nonorganic foods.” adds Kumar.

All of Spicy Organic’s products are validated through a USDA certification. They also acquire both organic and gluten free certificates, in their unwavering commitment to quality. Best selling products include turmeric, cardamom, Garlic, ginger powder, saffron and garam masala. The new website will showcase daily new arrivals and feature announcements regarding regional or local Annual Seed & Spice events – such as the State Fair of Texas – that Spicy Organics participates in. Customers can gain insights or special discounts and benefits by checking the website.

Though Spicy Organics have continued to expand through the years, they have literally stayed true to their “roots”, maintaining the same integrity the family has come to be known for.

For more information, please visit or email or call Linda Decann at (866) 256-6772

Via EPR Network
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Kentucky Pure lightly balanced mineral water soon to hit the shelves

VANCEBURG, KY, 2020-Oct-01 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — Some new kids on the block are emerging with a novel mineral water offering out of Kentucky, USA.

The company, River Rock Water LLC, is introducing its trademarked brand, Kentucky Pure Mineral Water. The brand offers exceptional taste and a unique, earth-friendly take on packaging. The company has been testing and developing this brand for five years to ensure the highest quality of “very light mineral” water available to consumers.

Kentucky Pure Mineral Water comes from an ancient aquifer that has been supplying the beautiful plains of Kentucky with its highly nutritional content for millions of years. As a testament to the water quality, 105 of the current 143 Kentucky Derby winners were raised on the nutritional grasses of Kentucky which were fed by these waters. Kentucky Pure lightly balanced mineral water is naturally packed with the optimum amount of minerals and trace elements required to promote biological health.

The founder, Tim LeMaster first drank from the well-head on a really hot day, sweating up a storm, and the water tasted so unique, the first words out of his mouth were, “Sweet Water”! As it turns out, farmers in the region had been saying that for centuries. Kentucky Pure Mineral Water has proven to be a real thirst quencher, satisfying the healthy need for refreshing hydration.

The entrepreneurial team behind Kentucky Pure are long time developers of new products. They have applied that product development experience to create a new development for water containers. Their design is 100% biodegradable, bypassing environmental concerns over the destruction and waste caused by traditional plastic water bottles.

Look for Kentucky Pure Mineral Water on store shelves soon.

Via EPR Network
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Kickstarter Project ‘Did Ya Wheatgrass’ Implements Food-Safety Lab Testing to Validate Quality and Integrity

Pearland, TX, USA, 2020-Sep-15 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — Did Ya Wheatgrass launches their Kickstarter project, on Sept. 22, 2020. Besides growing, harvesting and juicing their own wheatgrass, Did Ya Wheatgrass validates their juice quality and integrity by food-safety testing their wheatgrass juice at an approved Food Technology & Processing laboratory. This ensures the highest quality product to the consumer.

The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) states, “It is critical that the wheatgrass is grown from seeds that are processed and obtained from an approved source. The seeds need to be stored and handled to prevent the contamination with any pathogens.” The DSHS continues, “According to FDA, wheatgrass juice is a low acid juice and, under the proper conditions, the raw product is susceptible to the growth of Clostridium botulinum.”

Did Ya Wheatgrass founder Raquel Payan adds, “People don’t get to see the growing process that goes on behind the scenes. And the only way to validate the quality and integrity of the juice is by food-safety testing the wheatgrass juice at an approved Food Technology & Processing laboratory. We want to provide the consumer with the highest quality wheatgrass juice product.” People will ask Payan, ‘How do you get your wheatgrass so sweet tasting? How is it so green?’ Payan responds by saying that the secret is in the growing process. Did Ya Wheatgrass pays considerable attention to the growing process, since it is critical to the quality of juice produced. As a result, Did Ya Wheatgrass Juice Pops are E. Coli free, Salmonella free and Clostridium botulinum free.

The Kickstarter Project, ‘Did Ya Wheatgrass Juice Pops Food-Safety Lab Tested (Vegan Food)’, is scheduled to launch on Sept. 22, 2020. Take a peek and sign up for notifications to stay tuned. For additional information, visit their website:

Via EPR Network
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Popular cookie brand now available in Canada’s London Drugs and online through Natura Market

LOS ANGELES, CA, 2020-Sep-9 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — Maxine’s Heavenly, a Los Angeles-based company that makes decadent cookies for the sugar-conscious consumer, is now available in Canada both through retail at London Drugs and online through Natura Market.

This jump across the border comes on the heels of rapid growth into other significant US natural, specialty, and conventional chains, including two new Whole Foods Market regions, Ralph’s By Kroger, and Lucky/Save Mart.

“We’ve always been amazed at how many inbound inquiries we get from Canadian residents looking to purchase our products in their hometowns, so we’re excited to finally be able to point them to these new options.” said CEO Robert Petrarca. “London Drugs is an iconic and beloved retailer and we are thrilled to have our first on shelf placements at their stores. We are also honored to see our products among some of the finest products in Natural Foods on Natura’s fantastically curated e-commerce platform.”

Maxine’s Heavenly contributes its success to the relevancy of their brand promise to consumers: decadent and delicious cookies that are made with better-for-you ingredients that serve a variety of dietary needs, including plant-based (vegan), gluten-free and sugar conscious.

This is particularly relevant to the rapidly growing segment of Canadian consumers looking to incorporate more plant based foods into their diets. Several vegan publications, including Live Kindly and the cite a 113% spike in plant-based and vegan related searches in Canada, making it potentially one of the fastest growing markets for plant-based living.

About Maxine’s Heavenly:
Maxine’s Heavenly homemade style, soft-baked cookies are mom’s recipe made so-much-better-for-you. Made for more to enjoy, Maxine’s Heavenly cookies are certified Gluten-Free, Vegan, Kosher,
Non-GMO, and naturally sweetened with coconut sugar and dates. Maxine’s Heavenly cookies was voted Best Snack of 2018
in Health Magazine. Learn more at

Media contact:

Rachel B. Carmichael
Maxine’s Heavenly


Maxine’s Heavenly logo brings home made jams, syrups, fruit delicacies to the European market brings home made jams, syrups, fruit delicacies to the European market
  • Yummy yet Sassy jam meets Bedouin tradition in European cuisine
  • is a Jewish-Bedouin partnership bringing Europe, homemade flavors from Israel as well as original Bedouin products
  • NegevMarket is also offering a new culinary concept of boutique jams (based on wine and liqueur) with several combinations of fruit and spicy flavors
  • NegevMarket is a partnership between three entrepreneurs: NegevMarket LTD, the Negev19 Group and the New Dawn in the Negev association (NGO)
  • The partnership operates a special website that allows to make direct orders from all over Europe and Israel, of ‘Foodie Packs’ containing all the boutique jams as well as complementary products

LONDON, 17-Aug-2020 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE/ — The Foodie Packs include special and sassy jams such as: cherry tomatoes in white port and cinnamon (Sweet Sherity), garlic, rum and basil (Ramon19 Spice), chili, port ruby and figs (Hot Osnat), apricots in brandy with ginger and chili (Degani Special Hot) and more. also markets a line of alcohol free (according to Bedouin tradition) products In separate packages, containing Bedouin-inspired spice blends, tahini spreads, spiced olive oil, complementary products and also original Bedouin hand embroidery.

The online store markets its unique products such as chef upgrades in a jar, allowing the customer to “just add to the dish of your choice or sandwich”. Says Anat Avissar Koren, director of Negev Market LTD. According to Avissar Koren, NegevMarket “offers jams, syrups, fruit delicacies as well as seasoning mixes and traditional rice dishes adapted to European cuisine. The products are marketed directly to customers all over Europe and are also shipped to Israel.” It is a chef’s delight, ready in your home.”

The price range on the webstore starting from 18 EUR for foodie pack for 2 diners, 36 EUR for foodie pack for 4 diners and 70 EUR for foodie pack for 8 diners. All foodie packs are meant to upgrade any dish. Are easy to use as just adding to a dish of fish, chicken, beef, antipasti, or to put in a sandwich, and also be served to guests with the original hosting pack.

All products are vegan, without additional flavorings or artificial sweeteners. The products are sold over the website using the made per order model, shipped directly to the customer’s home without the need for warehouses or refrigeration since the packages are closed and include dry products that are marketed directly to the consumer. This marketing method is in line with European regulation and the entire site is compliant with the strict EU rules.

SOURCE: EuropaWire


Rapidly growing cookie company adds a third Whole Foods region

LOS ANGELES, CA, 2020-Aug-05 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — Maxine’s Heavenly, a Los Angeles-based company that makes decadent but better-for-you cookies for the sugar conscious consumer, is now available in all Whole Foods Market locations in the Southwest region.

The expansion comes on the heels of recent growth into the Northern California Whole Foods region. Maxine’s partnership with Whole Foods initially began in 2018 through the local foraging program that saw an introduction into 10 stores. After much focus on building a strong consumer following, the brand was expanded to the full Southern Pacific region. The success of this region has instigated the further expansion into multiple additional regions.

“Whole Foods Market will always remain the dream account for emerging brands in the natural space, ” said CEO Robert Petrarca. “We’ve continued to be in awe of the attention and guidance the Whole Foods team has given our brand. We know our success is directly linked to the support we see from the Regional and Global teams and we admire the endless commitment they have to providing a platform for growing brands to reach receptive consumers.”

Maxine’s Heavenly contributes its success to the relevancy of their brand promise to consumers: decadent and delicious cookies that are made with better-for-you ingredients that serve a variety of dietary needs. No other cookie on the shelf can claim all of these unique qualities in one product:

  • Homemade taste inspired by Maxine’s original decadent recipe from the 1950’s.
  • Naturally sweetened with coconut sugar and dates for an unrefined, low sugar, and low glycemic cookie.
  • Made for more to enjoy – all flavors are certified gluten free, vegan, kosher, and non-GMO.

Whole Foods Market Southwest will carry three Maxine’s Heavenly SKUS: Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk, Almond Chocolate Chunk, and Chocolate Chocolate Chunk.

About Maxine’s Heavenly: Maxine’s Heavenly homemade style, soft-baked cookies are mom’s recipe made so-much-better-for-you. Made for more to enjoy, Maxine’s Heavenly cookies are certified Gluten-Free, Vegan, Kosher, Non-GMO, and naturally sweetened with coconut sugar and dates. Maxine’s Heavenly cookies was voted Best Snack of 2018 in Health Magazine. Learn more at

Media contact:

Rachel B. Carmichael
Maxine’s Heavenly


Maxine’s Heavenly logo


El Elixir de Oro y sus Maravillosas Propiedades Energéticas

Eddie Mosler se inspira en el Universo para crear y ofrecer la mágica mezcla

MIAMI, FL, 2020-Aug-05 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — El artista plástico ecuatoriano Eddie Mosler, y altamente reconocido por realizar terapias medicinales con el oro, lanza al mercado internacional el “Elixir de Oro”, una mezcla de varios minerales coloidales con oro activado; lo cual, al ser mezclados generan ciertos componentes que ayudan a mejorar aspectos físicos y emocionales.

Mosler afirmó que su mayor inspiración para desarrollar este elixir es el universo, ya que le otorga el conocimiento y la creatividad para lograr conexiones de valor en el plano terrenal. Esa misma inspiración que le conduce a la creación de sus obras pictóricas le llevó a descubrir y elaborar el Elixir de Oro.

Recientemente el Elixir de Oro se ha consolidado como uno de los mejores productos dentro del mercado actual y, gracias a ello, se ha logrado una evolución exponencial en el ámbito físico, emocional y energético en las personas que lo han consumido.

Mosler, un artista que se denomina autodidacta explica “He diseñado varias terapias y productos para ayudar a las personas. De hecho, en la actualidad el Elixir se ha convertido en una herramienta fundamental para la elevación de la vibración ya que al tomarlo se amplifican los niveles energéticos. El Elixir de Oro es el resultado de la intensa exploración cromática, lumínica y energética de las dimensiones y de la estructura astral”,

La mezcla del Elixir de Oro está compuesta por ingredientes tales como el agua desmineralizada, oro comestible, plata, cobre y oro coloidal. Cada componente otorga por si solo beneficios extraordinarios dadas sus propiedades antibióticas, regeneradoras, antiparasitarias y desintoxicantes, los cuales en conjunto ayudan en casos de inestabilidad mental, estados emocionales como depresión, melancolía y ansiedad; incrementa el nivel de energía, mejora el sistema circulatorio, descalcifica la glándula pineal, reconfigura los campos áuricos, expande la conciencia, ayuda a equilibrar el sistema nervioso, ayuda con problemas digestivos, equilibra y armoniza cuerpo, mente y espíritu; favorece la concentración, ayuda a mejorar los estados de ánimo, ayuda con problemas circulatorios, alivia el estrés, mejora la condición de la piel, trabaja como agente rejuvenecedor, controla problemas de insomnio y estimula la producción de colágeno.

Mosler explicó que la magia del Oro radica en la autorización de su espíritu, el cual otorga la claridad sobre la utilización correcta de la energía y la evolución del alma. El Elixir de Oro pasa por un proceso de activación, el cual cuenta con una configuración que se basa en la estructura de polígonos de expansión cuántica y exponencial. “En entrevistas recientes he explicado que el Elixir no es tan solo un producto que ayuda a las personas, sino que su creación es algo que va más allá del plano terrenal, algo que logra elevar la energía sin necesidad de realizar grandes esfuerzos” añadió.

Por último, el creador del Elixir de Oro le aconsejó a la humanidad pensar acerca de sus acciones y consecuencias, en el cómo éstas pueden mejorar o hundir a sociedades enteras. A los nuevos artistas les aconsejó mantenerse conectados con el universo y siempre seguir sus principios e ideales.

Para más información, le pueden seguir en su página web y a través de sus redes sociales Instagram @eddiemosler, Facebook Eddie Mosler, Twitter @eddiemosler.

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Sugar conscious cookie brand expands its presence in California

Los Angeles, CA, 2020-Jun-2 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — Maxine’s Heavenly, a Los Angeles-based company that makes decadent but better-for-you cookies for the sugar conscious consumer, added Ralph’s By Kroger and Lucky/Save Mart to the rapidly growing list of stores that carry their brand.

With the addition of these key regional retailers, Maxine’s Heavenly continues its deeper dive into the California markets. Maxine’s Heavenly cookies can be found in 115 Ralph’s locations across Southern California and over 100 Lucky/Save Mart locations (Gluten Free modular) in Northern California.

“We’ve always known the Maxine’s Heavenly brand had great potential beyond the natural and specialty stores with which we built our foundation. Ralph’s and Lucky/Save Mart are perfect
retail partners to extend our availability to conventional retailers on our quest to make our so-much-better-for-you products more widely available to all consumers,” said Robert Petrarca,
CEO of Maxine’s Heavenly. “We know that a vast majority of American consumers are looking for sugar conscious treats that taste outstanding and we’re glad these partnerships help us to
reach more and more of them.”

Consumers can find locations for these and other retailers using the store locator on the Maxine’s Heavenly website:

About Maxine’s Heavenly
Maxine’s Heavenly homemade style, soft-baked cookies are mom’s
treats, made for today. They are half the sugar, sweetened naturally with coconut sugar and dates, and the first ingredient is oats. Made for more to enjoy, Maxine’s Heavenly cookies are certified gluten-free, vegan, kosher, and non-GMO. Maxine’s Heavenly was voted Best Snack of 2018 in Health Magazine. Learn more at


Media contact:

Rachel B. Carmichael
Maxine’s Heavenly


Sugar conscious cookie brand now available in two new grocery chains

Los Angeles, CA, 2020-May-19 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — Maxine’s Heavenly, a Los Angeles-based company that makes decadent but better-for-you cookies for the sugar conscious consumer, added PCC Community Markets and Huckleberry’s Natural Markets to its growing list of stores in the Pacific Northwest Region that carry their brand.

PCC Community Market is a 14 store food cooperative based in Seattle, Washington. It’s the largest consumer-owned food cooperative in the United States. Huckleberry’s Natural Market is a “store within a store” concept with 15 locations inside Rosauers Supermarkets in Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and Montana. Both chains are a perfect match for the Maxine’s Heavenly core values.

This latest expansion into the region illustrates Maxine’s Heavenly’s concerted efforts to drive growth and build brand awareness in the region. The Pacific Northwest is a natural extension for the brand, which has already seen significant growth and category dominance in both Southern and Northern California.

“PCC and Huckleberry’s have long been idyllic partners for us and we couldn’t be more excited that the timing now makes sense to take our products firmly into the Pacific Northwest,” said Robert Petrarca, CEO of Maxine’s Heavenly. “We’re thrilled we’ve earned the trust and confidence of both of these retailers, and we’re excited to launch with the support of the Green Spoon team.”

“We’re incredibly excited to expand our partnership with Maxine’s Heavenly,” said Kari Pedriana, Co-Founder and CEO of Green Spoon Sales. “We love their product, stand behind what they offer their customers, and have seen first hand their extraordinary growth potential.” Green Spoon currently represents Maxine’s Heavenly in five domestic regions throughout the United States.

About Maxine’s Heavenly: Maxine’s Heavenly homemade style, soft-baked cookies are mom’s recipe made for today. They are half the sugar, sweetened naturally with coconut sugar and dates, and the first ingredient is oats. Made for more to enjoy, Maxine’s Heavenly cookies are certified gluten-free, vegan, kosher, and non-GMO. Maxine’s Heavenly was voted Best Snack of 2018 in Health Magazine. Learn more at


Media contact:

Rachel B. Carmichael
Maxine’s Heavenly

X2 Performance and Museum of Graffiti celebrate Super Bowl LIV with an epic mural to be unveiled by world-renowned graffiti artist CES

MIAMI, FL, 2020-Jan-29 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — On Friday, Jan. 31, X2 Performance® teams up with the Museum of Graffiti to commemorate Super Bowl LIV with a dynamic new mural to be unveiled by world-renowned graffiti artist CES.

X2 Performance®, a brand trusted and used by elite NFL, NBA, MLB and, NHL franchises is launching its new X2 Performance® Pre & Intra workout products now available to the general public. To celebrate Super Bowl LIV in Miami X2 Performance will host a networking breakfast that intertwines the sports industry community and the global graffiti community.

The invitation-only breakfast will be held on Friday, January 31st at 8:30 AM at the Museum of Graffiti located at 299 NW 25th St., Miami FL 33137. The event will be hosted by sports industry leaders and X2 board members Mike Tannenbaum and Mark French and principal investor L Catterton.

Guests include NFL Hall of Famers, current Pro-Bowl players, team owners, VIP’s in the sports, entertainment, and tech arenas, health and wellness influencers, and acclaimed graffiti artists.

Fans can join the #X2fuelsmiami conversations across social on Instagram (@X2Performance), Twitter (@X2Performance) and Facebook and LinkedIn (@X2Performance).

CES will live paint the mural commissioned by X2 Performance throughout the day on Wednesday, Jan 29th at 282 NW 25th Street, in Miami’s Wynwood Arts District, directly across the street from the Museum of Graffiti. Multiple camera crews will be on-site documenting this unique mural creation honoring Super Bowl LIV.

For more information on the Museum of Graffiti, visit and follow on Instagram

For more information on CES, visit and follow @ces4wish

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American Hemp Processing To Roll Out Mobile Extraction Units

Sacramento, California, 2019-Dec-10 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — American Hemp Processing (AHP) is excited to announce the design completion of their Mobile Hemp Extraction Unit (MEHU). This is a key step in AHP’s expansion to increase production to 400,000lbs of hemp per month that will be completed 1st quarter 2020. The mobility of the MEHU reduces overall processing costs, mitigates many of the risks associated to transportation, and increases transparency with farmers.

The MHEU units bring significant benefits to the farmer from both a financial and risk mitigation perspective. “Most hemp farms are not close to processing facilities. Transportation is a large cost and increases the risk of degradation and contamination. On top of that, farmers still have to deal with legal issues in states that aren’t familiar with hemp and mistake it for marijuana,” says Andrew Alvarez Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer “Additionally, it increases transparency with farmers and helps educate them along the way to build synergistic relationships”.

“The design of the MHEU was Phase 2 of our strategy,” says Shick Park Co-Founder and Chief Operations Officer, “Phase 1 was developing a scalable extraction and remediation process enabling us to create high quality and compliant CBD oil, and Phase 3 is the roll-out of the mobile extraction units on to farms fall of 2020.”

“This caps off a 12 month design process by our engineers and now we go to the assembly phase. These units will take approximately 120 days each to build, and we plan to initially build 3,” says Co-Founder and CEO Tom Richardson. “This has been a very rewarding journey for us, from meeting farmers all over the country, to government legislators, to fine tuning the extraction process, to meeting other processors and sharing ideas, we feel very confident about the Cannabinoid Sector business.”

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The clean label, low sugar treat is perfect for consumers looking for a permissible Fall indulgence

Los Angeles, CA, 30-Oct-2019 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — Maxine’s Heavenly, a Los Angeles-based company that makes decadent but better-for-you cookies for the sugar conscious consumer, has released it’s seasonal flavor, Pumpkin Pecan Spice.

Pumpkin spice products are ubiquitous this time of year, but Maxine’s Heavenly offers a clean label version that satisfies consumers’ desire for a sweet snack without packing in the sugar. These cookies are:

  • Low sugar. Pumpkin Pecan Spice cookies only have 5 grams of sugar per serving. This is lower than almost every other cookie on the grocery shelf, with most brands averaging closer to 10g of sugar for the same serving size.
  • Sweetened by nature. Maxine’s Heavenly cookies are sweetened with coconut sugar and dates only. These natural sweeteners are unrefined and retain more vitamins and minerals than refined sugars.
  • Low glycemic. Because Maxine’s Heavenly cookies are sweetened with natural, low glycemic sugars, you can have a sweet treat without experiencing a sugar crash.

Beyond the better-for-you sugar promise, Maxine’s Heavenly is committed to raising the bar on the taste experience in the shelf stable cookie aisle. Inspired by a family recipe, Maxine’s Heavenly cookies feature generous portions of real ingredients, including whole grain oats, large pecan pieces, and 100% natural flavor profiles from real spices like nutmeg and cinnamon.

All Maxine’s Heavenly products are certified Gluten Free, Vegan, Kosher, and verified Non-GMO. This year, Maxine’s Heavenly Pumpkin Pecan Spice cookies are proudly listed on PETA’s list of “Best Vegan Pumpkin Spice Products in 2019” and popular blogger Celiac and the Beast’s “Best Gluten Free Pumpkin Pecan Spice Products 2019”.

“We’re really proud of this flavor,” said Maxine’s Heavenly CEO, Robert Petrarca, “and we’ve gone out of our way to source the simplest, best ingredients. They’re decadent, spicy, and sweet, and all without the sugar bomb. Consumers don’t want to feel guilty every time they eat something delicious, and they don’t want unnatural, highly-refined ingredients either. This flavor is super clean and absolutely delicious.”

Pumpkin Pecan Spice can be purchased at Whole Foods Southern California, Gelson’s, Erewhon, Lassens, Down to Earth, Market of Choice, and online at,, and

About Maxine’s Heavenly: Maxine’s Heavenly homemade style, soft-baked cookies are mom’s recipe made so-much-better-for-you. Made for more to enjoy, Maxine’s Heavenly cookies are certified Gluten-Free, Vegan, Kosher, Non-GMO, and naturally sweetened with coconut sugar and dates. Maxine’s Heavenly cookies was voted Best Snack of 2018 in Health Magazine. Learn more at


Rachel B. Carmichael
Maxine’s Heavenly


HL Agro explores new markets for its Agri-Products at SIAL China 2018

Fosters a global pitch for its processed range of Sesame Seeds, Corn starch & Derivatives

Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2018-Apr-11 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — HL Agro, a name known for promoting agricultural products of India, today announces its participation to the forthcoming session of SIAL China, befalling on 16 May – 18 May in Shanghai International Expo Centre. SIAL China is the fourth biggest food show in the world, dedicated to the food & beverage retail, hospitality, and wine industries.

At this year’s show, HL Agro will be exhibiting its manufactured range of sesame seeds, starch & corn derivatives & attempt to position its products directly with the various import/distribution segments in China and Asia including packaged food manufacturers, supermarket/hypermarkets, wholesalers, foodservice providers (hotels/restaurants) & importers/trade agents. HL Agro will be held at Booth at E2- A026 in the Food sector of the Expo Centre.

Having been in the agro industry for nearly two decades, HL Agro Products specializes in delivering a splendid bevy of food ingredients that are invariably processed & packed in accordance with the international standards of quality & food safety. The company holds the necessary capacity to produce & meet any scale of demand for natural/ hulled sesame seeds, starch & corn derivatives helmed by its technologically advanced automated processing units & robust supply chain mechanisms. With this year’s SIAL China, the company visions to meet, explore the market trends and network with the decision makers in the food industry to align & garner business opportunities for its product cluster.

SIAL China is expected to draw around 3,400 exhibitors representing over 70 countries this year. Besides offering a business platform for the industry players, the event also enables them to keep abreast with the current technologies, market situations & exchange worldwide best practices to solve their food business issues. Leveraging on this prestigious event, HL Agro attempts to secure global visibility & reach to the international markets.

Expressing his views on the exhibit, Mr. Akhilesh Sahu, Managing Director of the company said, “ We look forward to SIAL China as a business avenue to unleash new opportunities and strengthen trade relations with distant markets. And after tremendous successes in our Middle Eastern & European markets, we firmly believe it is time for us to proceed towards new horizons and expand into the regional and Asian food markets as envisioned in the SIAL China 2018.”

The requests for event invites or pre-scheduling a meeting at the show can be addressed at

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First of Kind Sports Drink – Break Through for Athletes

“A beverage that was developed with “natural” ingredients accelerates an athlete’s recovery from workouts, practices and competitions”


Ridgefield, WA, October 28, 2014 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — 2MAC, created by an athlete 60 years young, uses natural ingredients to restore the energy and hydration generators depleted during high intensity competition or practice. The greatest chapter in this story may be that there are no chemicals required to achieve this result.

“We were tired of using sugary, salty, artificial tasting drinks as a recovery beverage after a workout. As athletes we wanted something that really did taste great, contained no artificial additives and restored the amino acids, antioxidants, electrolytes, vitamins and minerals we burned while exercising. The drinks on the market were missing the big picture as they were too narrowly focused on remedies for one or two segments of this equation. It was very frustrating,” said development director, Mike McDaniel at 2MAC’s Vancouver, Washington headquarters.

The body does not restore these elements on its own, they must be consumed. The longer a person waits to recharge their body the longer their recovery time will be. Waiting to resupply lost nutrients reduces the benefits from a workout or extends the recovery time from an event. While consuming water or a high sugar and salt sports drink will cure a roaring thirst, that alone will not remedy the more important issue of depleted nutrients and body reserves. These elements must be replaced to rejuvenate muscles and energy.

“2MAC’s formulas, which are characterized by a great taste profile, are designed to be absorbed rapidly into an athlete’s system, reduce muscle inflammation and oxidative stress while minimizing insulin release. To effectively reverse the effects of physical stress, 2MAC should consumed during, or within 30 minutes of ending, the exercise period,” McDaniel stated.

Introducing 2MAC to a sports drink market that is defined by long entrenched brands is a challenging task. That is why 2MAC has decided to seek funding in two stages through the Kickstarter process which features an all or nothing model. Stage one is designed to verify taste demographics while a stage two Kickstarter campaign will be utilized to launch a nationwide rollout of the product. Be sure to follow us at the following Kickstarter link. Those who pledge will be among the first to experience the benefits of this natural solution to dehydration and nutrient loss.

If you would like more information about 2MAC products contact Mike at his AOL email address and please peruse our blog.

Contact-Details: Mike McDaniel
Cell: 360.608.3458




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Nutrit Meal Replacement To Start Crowdsource Campaign

We are pleased to announce that Nutrit Meal Replacement is starting a Crowdtilt Campaign for its initial production run.

On the heals of the successful campaign for Soylent, Nutrit promises a meal replacement product that has been totally reimagined. Nutrit provides a complete days nutrition while helping a person avoid processed ingredients, soy, wheat, dairy, GMOs, and Dairy. Nutrit is made up of organic proteins and fats, flavored with organic cocoa. Nutrit costs less than fast food, is easier to make than instant noodles, and tastes similar to chocolate milk.

Meal replacement as an idea is a sound one. In a fast paced society, its hard to avoid problem ingredients and at the same time get the nutrition one requires to stay healthy. Its all too easy, in a pinch, to reach for something in a vending machine or fall back on take out food. To date, meal replacement products and protein concoctions offer an unmeasured nutrient value, and mostly contain ingredients that can cause inflammation. Nutrit has solved those problems by being an easy mix powder, that offers an organic, non-GMO ingredient list that mirrors RDA requirements.

Nutrits Crowdtilt campaign is primarily being undertaken to provide funds to meet our vendors initial minimum order quantities. The merits of this product stand on there own, and we feel it is important to get it out there. Nutrit can help the average person avoid problem ingredients, and control calorie intake, all while getting more complete nutrition than is afforded by a standard diet.

Find out more at our site; and get involved at:
Only with your help can we bring this truly novel product to market and the world.

Contact Details:

Paul Wolos

New ALL BUT GLUTENâ„¢ Baked Goods Launches During Celiac Awareness Month for Canadians on a Gluten-Free Diet

May is Celiac Awareness Month and, just days after first appearing on the shelves of major Canadian retailers, new All But Gluten™ baked goods are receiving rave reviews from consumers following a gluten-free diet. These great tasting products were created by the talented product development team at Weston Bakeries in collaboration with respected nutrition experts and are manufactured in a dedicated gluten-free facility. They meet Health Canada’s gluten-free regulations and are certified by the Canadian Celiac Association’s Gluten-Free Certification Program (GFCP). All But Gluten™, is one of the first brands to bear the GFCP mark, making it easier for consumers to identify safe gluten-free products.

All But Glutenâ„¢ products are also dairy-free and Kosher.

Safety, taste and nutrition are the three pillars of the All But Gluten™ brand. “The breads, focaccias, pizza shells and muffins are enriched with vitamins and minerals and are a source of fibre,” says Shelley Case, registered dietitian, international celiac disease expert and consulting spokesperson for All But Gluten™. “This is an important feature of All But Gluten™ because many gluten-free products on the market are not enriched and often lower in iron, B vitamins and fibre,” states Case.

Unlike most gluten-free baked goods, All But Gluten™ can be found in the fresh bakery section, not the frozen section of major Canadian retailers. Consumers following a gluten-free diet really miss delicious baked products and now they can stroll down the aisles that were previously off limits. The All But Gluten ™ brand invites consumers to ‘Rekindle your love of baked goods.’

The line includes Whole Grain Loaf, Cinnamon Raisin Loaf, Sliced White Loaf, Roasted Onion Focaccia, Rosemary Focaccia, Plain Pizza Shells, Carrot Raisin Morning Muffins, Mini Brownies and Coconut Macaroons.

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