Category Archives: Gifts

Cannavista Wellness Continues to Give Back by Supporting Local Charitable Organizations

Buchanan, Michigan, USA, 2022-Jun-24 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — July 3rd, 2022 – Buchanna Fest – On the Common – Cannavista Wellness is pleased to announce Buchanna Fest – On the Common, live music event to be held at the Buchanan City Commons on Sunday July 3rd from 12pm to 8:00pm. Buchanna Fest will feature Master of Ceremonies, Freddie Miller, a well-known regional comedic celebrity who has appeared several times on the Jimmie Kimmel show.

The day long music event will feature a wide variety of music by well-known musical groups that includes: “That What She Said”, Hour Glass / Sypian family, Tre Marquis / RiverRats, and Wolf Ticket / The Erly.

Complimenting the live musical performances at Buchanna Fest – On the Common, amazing foods and craft beers prepared by Woodstock Grill, La Chula and River St. Joe are sure to delight one and all.

Click here for directions:

Buchanna Fest – On the Common is a fund-raising initiative supporting not for profit Lyla Grace Corporation for the benefit of the citizens of the greater Buchanan community. Suggested tax-deductible donation is $10.00 per family unit with all proceeds directed toward improving Buchanan public parks.

Enjoy the best local music, food and craft beer on Sunday July 3rd from 12-8:00pm and help make your community a better place.

Freddie Miller
Master of Ceremonies
Live Music by:
That’s What She Said
Hour Glass / Sypian Family
Tre Marquis / RiverRats
Wolf Ticket / The Erly
Food and Drink by:
Woodstock Grill
La Chula
River St. Joe

In addition to Buchanna Fest – On the Commons, we cordially invite out of state visitors to explore other attractions in greater Buchanan. See:

About Cannavista Wellness:

Cannavista Wellness provides compassionate, patient-focused medical and recreational marijuana provisioning. Our facility is located in the heart of Buchanan, Michigan’s storied downtown. Our historic location has been beautifully restored and repurposed into a welcoming medical and adult-use marijuana provisioning center. We have assembled a team of friendly and highly knowledgeable consultants and provided them with quality cannabis education to help serve as your guides the best cannabis products. We are here to educate our community, serve our community and improve your well-being.

About the Lyla Grace Corporation:

The Lyla Grace Corporation was formed to strengthen communities by supporting programs and facilities where funding is insufficient or nonexistent. Lyla Grace Corporation is a nonprofit where hope and charity grow. The organization is a private nonprofit corporation established to provide community charitable funds distribution for the establishment of needed community resources for all citizens.

Via EPR Network
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Das Projekt [I Love fruit & veg from Europe] fördert schmackhafte, kreative und nahrhafte Gerichte sowohl unter dem Weihnachtsbaum als auch auf dem Tisch

ZÜRICH, 20-Dec-2021 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE/ — Während der Festtage gut zu essen, ohne sich dabei zusätzliche Pfunde zuzulegen, ist nicht unmöglich. Die Weihnachtsgrüsse, die das Projekt “I love fruit & veg from Europe” an alle Schweizer schickt, sind voll von saisonalen europäischen Produkten mit Bio- und Qualitätssiegeln und zielen darauf ab, Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden auf dem Tisch zu fördern. Im Dezember umarmen saisonales Obst und Gemüse die Weihnachtszeit regelrecht mit ihren warmen Farben, beleben die Festtage und verwöhnen den Gaumen mit einzigartigen Geschmäckern, die wir auf den Tellern der Festtagsmahle vorfinden. Im Winter sind Zitrusfrüchte das Obst schlechthin: frisch, durstlöschend, reich an Vitaminen B und C und zugleich kalorienarm. Mandarinen, Orangen, Mandaranci, Grapefruits und Clementinen dürfen in keiner Obstschale fehlen. Wohlduftend, einladend und farbenfroh – Mandarinen sind die einzige süsse Frucht in der Familie der Zitrusfrüchte. Sie sind sehr bekömmlich, regulieren den Blutdruck und stärken das Immunsystem.

Eine umweltfreundliche und kreative Idee ist, die Festtagstischdekoration aus Mandarinen und kleinen Tannenzapfen oder einem weihnachtlichen Strauss zu gestalten: Einfach Obst und Lieblingsdekoration auf Holzstäbchen auffädeln, mit Klebeband fixieren, mit Geschenkpapier umwickeln und mit einer bunten Schleife zusammenbinden.

Wussten Sie, dass der Mandarinenbaum drei Hybridfrüchte hervorgebracht hat? Es gibt: die Clementine, eine Kreuzung zwischen Mandarinen und Mandarancios, die Mandarancio, eine Kombination aus Mandarinen und Orangen, und die Mapo, eine Kombination aus Grapefruit und Mandarine.

Was ist das Weihnachtsobst schlechthin? Rote Kerne und viel Glück – die Rede ist vom Granatapfel. Früher war es ein gutes Omen für das neue Jahr, wenn man ihn zu Weihnachten verschenkte und ihn dann am Silvesterabend mit der ganzen Familie teilte. Der Granatapfel ist mit 65 Kalorien pro 100 Gramm eine kalorienarme Frucht, die hauptsächlich aus Wasser (etwa 80%), Ballaststoffen und Zucker besteht und reich an Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen ist.

Er kann in Risottos, ersten Gängen mit Fisch, in Salaten, Obstsalaten und Desserts verwendet werden. Auch für einen leckeren Aperitif eignet er sich hervorragend. Die leckeren kleinen Segmente der Frucht passen zu fast allem und eignen sich zudem perfekt, um eine elegante Weihnachtsdekorationen für Ihr Zuhause und den Festtagstisch zu kreieren.

Der ungeschlagenen Gewinner unter den Gemüsesorten ist wohl der Blumenkohl, oder besser gesagt die Gruppe der sogenannten “Kreuzblütler”, der er angehört. Aus ihnen lassen sich viele Rezepte zaubern, die uns die kalte Jahreszeit verschönern. Blumenkohl kann weiss, gelb, grün oder violett sein, es gibt jedoch auch den Romanesco-Kohl, den vielseitigen Brokkoli, Stängelkohl und Wirsing. Kurzum, im Dezember gibt es eine Fülle von Obst- und Gemüsesorten, aus denen sich mit dem richtigen Rezept ein gesundes und schmackhaftes Festtagsmenü zaubern lässt. Brokkoli ist gesund, reich an Wasser, Vitaminen und Mineralsalzen und hat dabei wenig Kalorien: 25 pro 100 Gramm.

Schmackhaft und zudem ein Symbol des Wohlstands:
Linsen feiern ein grosses Comeback auf dem Festtagstisch, allerdings sind sie so gesund, dass man sie mindestens einmal pro Woche essen sollte. Sie sind die weltweit am häufigsten verzehrte Hülsenfrucht und eine unvergleichliche Nährstoffquelle: Sie sind reich an Mineralien, Ballaststoffen und Vitaminen sowie an Eisen, Phosphor und Antioxidantien. Da sie oft als Beilage gegessen werden, empfiehlt es sich, sie als pflanzliche Eiweissquelle mit Nudeln oder Getreide (oder natürlich mit Gemüse) zu essen, um so in nur einem einzigen Gericht mit allen essentiellen Aminosäuren versorgt zu werden.

Gesunde und kreative Ideen?
Wie wäre es mit einer Suppe mit Reis und Linsen, die Sie mit Ihrem Lieblingsgemüse der Saison anreichern, oder mit Vollkornnudeln mit dem Gemüse Ihrer Wahl oder auch warmen Salaten mit Zwiebeln, Trockenobst und gedünstetem Gemüse…

Unter dem Weihnachtsbaum des Projekts “I love fruit & veg from Europe” liegt ein ganzer Korb voller wunderbarem saisonalem Obst und Gemüse, mit dem Sie sich in der Küche austoben und zu Ihrem Wohlbefinden beitragen können. Darüber hinaus befindet sich im Korb ein exklusives, auf Zitrusfrüchten basierendes Rezept von Andy Zaugg, der sich mit dem Restaurant zum Alten Stephan in Solothurn (1* Michelin, 17 Punkte GaultMillau) einen Namen gemacht hatte. Andy Zaugg steht für eine Küche, die viel Freude bereitet. Sie ist geprägt von einer grossen Harmonie der Aromen und Texturen. Raffiniert, elegant und im Kern doch immer sehr einfach. Heute präsentiert Andy Zaugg seine souveräne Handwerkskunst zusammen mit seiner Geschäftspartnerin und Ehefrau Roberta Zaugg schweizweit als Caterer. In Sternekochkursen und als Coach vermittelt er seine Leidenschaft fürs Kochen, Geniessen und die Sensorik.

Orangen-Fenchelsalat orientalische Art mit Senfkörnern
Portionen: 4


1 Fenchel
1 dl japanischer Reisessig «süss», Rice vinegar für Sushi
1 MS Vitamin C, Ascorbinsäure
3 Bio-Orangen, nur Zesten und Filets
1 Bio-Limette, nur Zeste und Saft
1 EL Senfkörner gelb
1 Stk. Kardamom
1 TL Kreuzkümmel
2 EL Zucker
Getrocknete Blütenmischung zur Dekoration
wenig Rosa Pfeffer

wenig frischer Koriander
Pfeffer aus der Mühle
Fleur de sel
Olivenöl extra nativ

Den Fenchel fein aufschneiden und mit dem Reisessig marinieren. Die Orangen- und Limettenzesten sowie eine Messerspitze Ascorbinsäure(Vitamin C) dazugeben. Die Orangen filetieren, den Saft für die spätere Verwendung zurückbehalten. Den Zucker karamellisieren, mit dem Limettensaft und einem Esslöffel Wasser ablöschen und mit dem Saft der Orangen, Kreuzkümmel, Kardamom und den Senfkörnern einreduzieren. Die Orangenfilets beigeben und auf die Seite stellen. Den Fenchelsalat auf der Tellermitte anrichten. Die Reduktion über den Fenchelsalat geben und zum Abschluss ein. wenig um den Salat träufeln. Mit Olivenöl, dem Rosa Pfeffer, Pfeffer aus der Mühle und Fleur de sel abschmecken und den Blüten sowie dem Koriander ausgarnieren.

It’s from Europe!

SOURCE: EuropaWire


Senior Director of Sales and Director of Operations will help accelerate growth

Los Angeles, CA, 2021-Sep-28 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — Maxine’s Heavenly, a Los Angeles-based company that makes decadent cookies for the sugar-conscious consumer, has added two key roles to their rapidly expanding team.

Samuel Neumann joins Maxine’s Heavenly as Senior National Director of Sales, following a nine year tenure with Mondelez International where he spent time in both Sales & Marketing positions across a variety of different accounts and brands. This included leading commercialization for one of the largest cookie brands in the world, ChipsAhoy. Most recently, Sam managed the U.S Costco business for Mondelez International.

Sam will lead sales for Maxine’s Heavenly leveraging his proven track record of success in creating strategic growth plans, building strong retailer partnerships, and unlocking sustainable growth within the snacking category.

Joseph Salvatore joins Maxine’s Heavenly as the brand’s Director of Supply Chain & Operations. Joseph has spent over a decade scaling operations for fast-growth companies, serving as part of the core team for two brands that made the “World’s Most Innovative Companies” annual listing by Fast Company. Previously, he was responsible for operations at natural brands like TIO Gazpacho and Exo Protein, where he worked directly with the creators of Magic Spoon.

Additionally, Joseph is an expert in Sustainability, having helped build cocoa direct and fair trade supply chains benefiting hundreds of family farmers in Madagascar for a social enterprise. He will help drive Maxine’s sustainability initiatives to achieve their goal of a “Triple Bottom Line.”

“I cannot think of two more qualified and exciting candidates to help drive our organization’s next phase of hyper-growth,” said CEO Robert Petrarca. “Both bring a passion for the brand along with tremendous industry expertise. With the addition of Sam and Joseph, we plan to continue to shake up the baking category and lead the charge on the future of snacking.”

The healthy cookie brand currently offers 7 every day and 3 seasonal flavors of super soft-baked cookies sweetened with unrefined coconut sugar and dates. Maxine’s Heavenly cookies are proudly free of sugar alcohols, stevia, monk fruit, refined white sugar, and artificial sweeteners.

About Maxine’s Heavenly: Maxine’s Heavenly makes decadent desserts with unrefined sugar and wholesome ingredients, so you can satisfy your sweet tooth without the guilt. Using mom’s baking for inspiration, we go the extra mile to make sure our treats taste like home, not the store. Learn more at


Media contact:

Rachel B. Carmichael
Maxine’s Heavenly


Clean label, low sugar cookie company introduces seasonal options for health conscious consumers

Los Angeles, CA, 2020-Nov-12 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — Maxine’s Heavenly, a Los Angeles-based company that makes decadent but better-for-you cookies for the sugar conscious consumer has released two limited run seasonal flavors to its growing line-up of products. Gingerbread and Chocolate Peppermint Candy Cane cookies are now available through the end of the year (or while supplies last).

Over the years, the  brand has seen growing success with their other seasonal flavor, Pumpkin Pecan Spice. This year offered the opportunity to expand the seasonal selection, especially as more and more consumers look to avoid traditional sugary treats over the holiday season. The addition also offers consumers a broad range of seasonal gifting bundles for those “tough-to-shop-for” family members and friends with particular dietary needs.

These new products offer the classic ginger and peppermint flavors consumers crave, but are:

  • Made with lots of oats, a healthy carb that keeps you fuller longer.
  • Made with unrefined sugars (coconut sugar and dates).
  • Lower sugar than traditional cookies and most other brands.

They also work well for a variety of diets, which makes them great for parties and as holiday gifts. All Maxine’s Heavenly products are certified gluten free, vegan, kosher, and non-GMO.

“We think we really knocked this out of the park” said Maxine’s Heavenly CEO, Robert Petrarca. “My team keeps telling me that they are our best flavors yet. We all need a little extra comfort this year, so I’m excited to offer some timeless classics with the healthy Maxine’s Heavenly spin our consumers have come to expect.”

Gingerbread and Chocolate Peppermint Candy Cane are being released strictly through e-commerce channels and can be purchased at as well as on Amazon.

About Maxine’s Heavenly: Maxine’s Heavenly homemade style, soft-baked cookies are mom’s recipe made so-much-better-for-you. Made for more to enjoy, Maxine’s Heavenly cookies are certified Gluten-Free, Vegan, Kosher, Non-GMO, and naturally sweetened with coconut sugar and dates. Maxine’s Heavenly cookies was voted Best Snack of 2018 in Health Magazine. Learn more at


Media contact:

Rachel B. Carmichael
Maxine’s Heavenly


Popular cookie brand now available in Canada’s London Drugs and online through Natura Market

LOS ANGELES, CA, 2020-Sep-9 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — Maxine’s Heavenly, a Los Angeles-based company that makes decadent cookies for the sugar-conscious consumer, is now available in Canada both through retail at London Drugs and online through Natura Market.

This jump across the border comes on the heels of rapid growth into other significant US natural, specialty, and conventional chains, including two new Whole Foods Market regions, Ralph’s By Kroger, and Lucky/Save Mart.

“We’ve always been amazed at how many inbound inquiries we get from Canadian residents looking to purchase our products in their hometowns, so we’re excited to finally be able to point them to these new options.” said CEO Robert Petrarca. “London Drugs is an iconic and beloved retailer and we are thrilled to have our first on shelf placements at their stores. We are also honored to see our products among some of the finest products in Natural Foods on Natura’s fantastically curated e-commerce platform.”

Maxine’s Heavenly contributes its success to the relevancy of their brand promise to consumers: decadent and delicious cookies that are made with better-for-you ingredients that serve a variety of dietary needs, including plant-based (vegan), gluten-free and sugar conscious.

This is particularly relevant to the rapidly growing segment of Canadian consumers looking to incorporate more plant based foods into their diets. Several vegan publications, including Live Kindly and the cite a 113% spike in plant-based and vegan related searches in Canada, making it potentially one of the fastest growing markets for plant-based living.

About Maxine’s Heavenly:
Maxine’s Heavenly homemade style, soft-baked cookies are mom’s recipe made so-much-better-for-you. Made for more to enjoy, Maxine’s Heavenly cookies are certified Gluten-Free, Vegan, Kosher,
Non-GMO, and naturally sweetened with coconut sugar and dates. Maxine’s Heavenly cookies was voted Best Snack of 2018
in Health Magazine. Learn more at

Media contact:

Rachel B. Carmichael
Maxine’s Heavenly


Maxine’s Heavenly logo

Sogu has launched its first KickStarter Campaign


San Antonio, TX, 2017-Jul-24 — /EPR FOOD & BEVERAGE NEWS/ — The Sogu Cooler keeps liquids cold in their bottle for up to 6 hours!

Sogu ( has launched its first KickStarter Campaign to raise the funds necessary to pay for the tooling for the next version Sogu 2.0 Cooler. The patented Sogu Cooler keeps drinks cold for up to 6 hours while still in their original bottle. No ice needed!!! The Sogu Cooler prevents condensation from soaking your clothes or table cloths and is perfect for work, sports and restaurants.

“Our Sogu Cooler is a great addition to your home, restaurant or travel gear to keep your drink cold or hot!” – Michael Van Steenburg, Sogu President

While the Sogu 1.0 Cooler is ready for market now and fits most 1.0 to 1.5 liter bottles, the new Sogu 2.0 version will be even more modular and adjustable to fit an even wider variety of plastic and glass bottles. Sogu 2.0 also features additional technical features such as an optional reusable ice pack and vacuum insulation that increases the available cooling time up to 24 hours.

Keep It Cool With Sogu!

# # #

If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Michael Van Steenburg at

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California Man Launches Kickstarter to Promote Kitchen Safety

California Man Launches Kickstarter to Promote Kitchen Safety Invents Oven Mitt That Allows Dexterity and Promotes Safety

Santa Clarita, CA, September 17, 2014, Nearly 350,000 people annually are victims of scalding or burns from accidents that occur while cooking, either on the grill or in the kitchen. Most involve saucepans or tea kettles. Many could be eliminated by using a proper padding device on the hands when touching pans that have been heated. Many hot pads just aren’t made for high temperatures or kitchen dexterity when cooking. This can create more safety issues and actually create harm where they were supposed to bring assurance. One California man, Marcelo Garcia, has created a different kind of oven mitt built for safety and dexterity and has launched a Kickstarter campaign to bring this kitchen must have to the cooking masses that work well for anyone working in the kitchen, from beginner to Iron Chef.

Ulta-Mitt, as it is called, is a 3-Finger mitt constructed from neoprene that is waterproof and heat resistant making it great for indoor or outdoor use. The 3-Finger design allows for more dexterity than an ordinary oven mitt, offering both style and function with users able to have the ability to grab a lid from a hot pan, pick up a hot coffee cup from the microwave or work with small gadgets required while cooking in the kitchen. The neoprene material is also non-slip for a better grip.

This must have kitchen item also comes with a matching neoprene hot pad, which can double as a jar opener for those hard to open lids.

Perks for sponsors include sets of the gloves at manufacturer’s discounts and ahead of their proposed scheduled appearance in stores appearance and for some lucky investors, a complete Healthy eating wooden handle wok cooking set. For those that can’t give, the inventor hopes they will share this story to make the campaign viral through social media.

For more information, visit:

Group 5 Marketing
501i S Reino Rd
Newbury Park, Ca 91320

Contact: Marcelo Garcia
Title: Managing Partner
Phone: (866)844-7619





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Studio William Launches Innovative Leaf Cutlery Design

 It’s perhaps not your first thought for innovation however Studio William, a leading British cutlery design Company, has sought to revolutionise and stylise the way the British general public eat dessert, with the launch of a brand new cutlery design: the leaf.

The leaf design was inspired by the ancient Asian custom of utilising leaves as eating utensils, and it’s eye-catching design is bound to prove an ice breaker among the more design conscious looking to make an impression over a Christmas meal, or professional or social gathering.

Design to be a truly versatile piece of cutlery, with the new leaf design diners can prong, spoon or slice all types of dessert, and truly enjoy a more luxurious dining experience. Whether it’s utilised for you average Christmas pudding or your favourite ice cream dessert, the leaf is bound to prove to be a real conversation starter at a dinner party.

The leaf gift package is boxed in a set of four, and is manufactured with the same degree of intricacy and professionalism as all of the cutlery designs sold by Studio William, the UK’s leading manufacturer of designer cutlery.

Studio William CEO, William Welch, had this to say about the launch of the new design: “Studio William Chief Executive, William Welch, said: “With Leaf we are moving away from the traditional knife, fork and spoon to a much simpler, yet sophisticated way of indulging in desserts. It can’t help but become a conversation point and it gives diners the chance to have some fun with their pudding – a perfect way to round off a Christmas meal.”

The leaf design was the winning cutlery set design in the Studio William Cutlery Design Competition, and the Company has work closely with the winning designer, Anabela Chan, to further refine the design and ready it for production.

If attention to detail and the ultimate in luxurious dining is your quest, then the new range of leaf cutlery sets from Studio William will be at the top of your Christmas shopping list.

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Try Something New This Winter And Warm Up With An Authentic Chai Latte

Premium tea company teapigs are encouraging tea drinkers to try something different with their cuppa this winter and cosy up with an all-natural, authentic, make-at-home chai latte.

The online tea shop they have contains a wide range of teas including some fantastic herbal and green teas but by delving a little deeper into the website, customers will find some great tasting teas including peppermint tea and the authentic chai latte tea.

teapigs only use the best quality ingredients in their chai tea – whole leaf black Assam tea blended with whole cardamom pods, cloves, real pieces of ginger and cinnamon. These real, all natural ingredients mean great taste without artificial flavourings and sweeteners. teapigs teas come in ‘tea temples’ – a special biodegradable mesh bag which makes brewing and enjoying top quality tea easy and convenient.

Making a delicious chai latte at home is really easy using teapigs chai tea temples:

• take one teapigs chai tea temple and place in your mug or latte glass
• cover 1/3 glass with hot water – enough to cover your temple
• let it brew for 3-5 minutes
• while your chai brews heat up some milk (ideally froth with a milk frother)
• top up the Chai tea concentrate with the milk and add brown sugar or honey to taste and some cinnamon on top for a little extra spice

teapigs tea taster Louise says: “Every vendor, in every city, in every region of India offers their own version of Chai Masala – the aromatic, spiced milky tea that has been the Indian drink of choice for hundreds of years. This is our version – a rich, malty, warming blend which is great to make at home on a cosy winter’s night. It’s a satisfying, healthy drink that captures the vibrancy and colour of India in a cup.”

A pack of 15 chai tea temples from £4.00. Available from Harvey Nichols, Selfridges, Waitrose, Wholefoods and online at

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Experience California in a Glass with The Big Crush

Discover Californian sunshine in a glass with The Big Crush wine range from Juicy Grape – with each wine from the portfolio bursting with fruit, they will be sure to wash away those winter blues. So, if you are looking to buy wine online this Christmas, now is the time to do it.

The Big Crush Pinot Grigio has aromas of pear drops with flavours of fresh honeydew melon and pink grapefruit ending with a crisp, refreshing finish. The Grenache Rosé reveals flavours of red summer berries alongside strawberries which ends with a soft, rounded finish. Both wines are best enjoyed chilled to release their full fruit potential. The Big Crush Merlot should be consumed at room temperature to fully appreciate the delicate blackberry notes and flavours of jammy plum and red berry, harmonised by a touch of vanilla. Its velvety texture is smooth and has a long lasting finish.

So, as you enter the winter months and the long summer nights become a distant memory, pick up a bottle of The Big Crush and experience California in all its glory.

The Big Crush wines have an RRP of £6.99 off promotion and £5.49 on promotion, available through the impulse / convenience sector.

For further details on Legacy wines and its brands, please visit For further details on Juicy Grape wines, and the range of Californian wines that are available, please visit

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teapigs Mix n Match Selection Box Is The Perfect Gift This Christmas

If you are looking for the perfect gift this year, teapigs, the online tea shop have got just the thing! Their mix n match tea selection, which features a range of herbal teas and green teas, is perfect when the cold winter weather gets a bit too much for us.

Louise, teapigs tea taster says “We’re a nation of tea drinkers. There is nothing better than settling down watching your favourite programme with a proper, great tasting cuppa; especially when the snow is falling and temperatures are in the minuses! That is why we have decided to release a selection box of mini packs of tea, you get to choose yourself and enjoy 12 different blends – your very own tea tasting set!”

A set of 12 very cute mini packs of tea in a lovely gift box. You get to pick the teas yourself so you can be sure to get something they’ll love. You can choose from twenty-one different blends ranging from classics like Everyday brew and Darjeeling earl grey, naturally caffeine free herbal infusions such as peppermint and lemon & ginger and for the more adventurous, popcorn and chilli chai! There are teas to suit everyone’s tastes.

The teapigs range contains only the very best whole leaf tea – not the dust found in a normal tea bag. The teas come in their special tea temples – a biodegradable mesh bag that gives the leaves lots of room to infuse, so you get all the taste of loose tea but with the convenience of a bag.

Each mini pack of tea contains two tea temples, available exclusively You can also find some brilliant tea gifts as well. Visit the website today, choose your favourite teas and then sit back and enjoy the festive period with great tasting teapigs tea.

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Rise And Shine With The Co-Operative Food And Win £100 To Spend On Your Breakfast Favourites

When you want to put a spring in your step at the start of the day, the best way is to tuck into a hearty and nutritious breakfast that will set you up for the rigours of the day ahead.

And right now, you can take a giant step in the right direction, by entering The Co-operative Food’s weekly draw, for a chance to win £100 in vouchers to spend on your favourite treats for the most important meal of the day.

What’s more, because this is a weekly draw, you can enter each week and give yourself more than one chance of winning one of our mouthwatering top prizes.

The Co-operative Food is giving away seven £100 vouchers each week for the duration of the competition, and if you enter the competition on one week, you’ll even receive an email reminding you of the closing date for being included in the following week’s draw.

Alex Webb, Brand Manager Digital, from The Co-operative Food, said: “With families everywhere finding it tough just now to keep their fridges and kitchen cupboards stocked, we wanted to lighten the load on some of our loyal customers by giving them£100 to spend on ensuring that everyone can start the day on the right note, with a healthy and filling breakfast.

“If they wish, the lucky winners will be able to fill their fridge with a host of quality British products which are sourced especially for The Co-operative.

“So not only will they be helping themselves to a tasty prize, they’ll be able to mark the coming Diamond Jubilee in an appropriately British way – with a great traditional breakfast, all on us!”

Each entrant can also choose to receive a special breakfast bonus in the shape of vouchers entitling them to 50p off a one-litre carton of Tropicana orange juice, and a 200-gram jar of Nescafe Original instant coffee.

Entries for the last draw close on Tuesday May 22, and no purchase is necessary to take part. Entry is free and simple – just complete the online form at, where you will also find the full terms and conditions.

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The Co-Operative Flies The Flag For Queen’s Diamond Jubilee

The Co-operative Food is flying the flag for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee with a £10,000 party fund to give community groups and neighbourhoods across the UK the chance to win one of 100 street parties.

The community-based retailer, which has a store in every UK postal area, is backing the royal revelry as it gears up for what is expected to be one of the busiest summers on record with the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, Euro 2012, Wimbledon and the London Olympics.

The Diamond Jubilee weekend may be two months away, but “Jubilee fever” is already sweeping many parts of the country, with a bumper number of applications for road closures for street parties according to the Local Government Association.

People holding street parties over the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee weekend (2 – 5 June, 2012) can win £100 worth of Co-operative vouchers to put towards the food, together with a party pack full of street party essentials including red, white and blue bunting, balloons, papers cups and plates, and Union Jacks.

Party organisers can enter by visiting Co-operative Food’s Diamond Jubilee Page and saying what’s special about their community and why they’ve decided to host a street party. Judges will be looking for entries that most touch their hearts and are the most community focused. The competition, launched today (12 April 2012), runs until 30 April 2012 inclusive.

Sales soared over last year’s bumper bank holiday for the royal wedding as shoppers made the most of the extended weekend and, with another extended bank holiday break for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, retailers are anticipating a repeat performance as party fever grips the nation.

Moreover, with three major sporting events – Euro 2012, Wimbledon and the London Olympics – in quick succession, retailers are hoping the sales momentum will continue throughout the summer.

The Co-operative is marking the celebrations with a host of new products, including a Teddy Bear Gingerbread Biscuit sporting a Union Jack T-shirt and limited edition doughnuts decorated with red, white and blue sprinkles – both available from 2 May, 2012*.

The community retailer will also be introducing two limited-edition premium own-brand British beers, appropriately named “Jubilation” and “Salutation”, which will be in store from 2 May, 2012**. Jubilation is a pale, diamond-bright beer made with malt from Warminster and Bramling Cross hops from Worcester to create a refreshing taste with a distinctly hopped finish.

Salutation is a classic British bitter, and the careful addition of two historic hop varieties – Goldings and Fuggles – creates a darkly-delicious beer with a satisfying bitterness. Both of the beers, which are part of The Co-operative Truly Irresistible range, are brewed by hand at the Freeminer brewery in the Royal Forest of Dean.

The Co-operative will also be offering better-than-half price Champagne and half-price Cava***.

Helen Nunn, Head of Marketing for The Co-operative Food, said: “For millions of people, the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee is a celebration of everything that’s great about Britain, and street parties are a quintessentially British way to celebrate.

“They are great neighbourhood occasions and, as a retailer at the heart of the communities in which we trade, we’re getting behind the Jubilee celebrations at a local level with a helping hand to make people’s street parties extra special and memorable.”

She added: “This summer is a spectacular season of events, and we’re gearing up to ensure we have everything our customers need to make the most of these unique occasions and celebrate together with family and friends.”

For more information, to enter the competition and for full terms and conditions, including judging criteria, please visit Co-operative Food’s Diamond Jubilee Page.

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Get in-store Mother’s Day dedications at The Co-operative

With just a few days left until Mother’s Day, millions of people across the UK are no doubt wondering just how they’re going to show their appreciation for their mums this weekend. If you’re not sure how to make this Mother’s Day truly irresistible, wonder no more – because the Co-operative is offering you the chance to send a special message to your mum via its online and in-store radio station. If you’re stuck for ideas you’re unable to spend time with your mum this Mother’s Day, you can simply drop her a line through the Co-operative Radio.

To find out more, simply visit to make a song request or leave a message for the Co-op’s resident DJs to read out on the day itself. Co-operative Food stores across the country will be tuned in to the Co-operative Radio next Sunday, so if your mum’s doing her shopping for Mother’s Day meals she may well hear your message or request while she’s out and about. And even if you’re not planning on visiting your local Co-operative Food store on Mother’s Day, you can simply choose to listen in online and wait for your song or message to appear.

Melanie Rushton – digital marketing and development manager at The Co-operative Food– encouraged anyone looking for a special way to mark Mother’s Day to get involved, and said it could be the ideal way to show gratitude to dedicated mums.

“This is a lovely way to help make Mother’s Day even more special, and put a smile on the faces of our hard-working and deserving mums,” she explained.

However, anyone who wants to request a track or send a message to their mother via the Co-operative Radio will need to be quick to avoid disappointment – the deadline for requests is on Thursday March 15th.

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Artist Creates A New Way To Help Longhorns Show Their Support For The University Of Texas!

Artist Sheryl Konnerth has developed a new, unique product, the one and only , to help students and alumni alike show their support for theHook ‘em Horns Fork University of Texas!! This is the perfect fork for tailgating or watching the game at home! Great for serving olives, cheese, pickles, fruit and more, this hand crafted and designed fork replicates the shape of those famous longhorns and is hand beaded with premium glass beads in University of Texas colors. Great for gifts, home use or as a fundraising item for your next University of Texas event. The suggested retail price is $19.99. Also available on a wholesale basis.

About The Artful Penguin
The Artful Penguin is an artisan producer of and the leading destination for hand beaded serving and entertaining pieces. Known for its unique products, high quality materials and creative flair, The Artful Penguin delivers products that are colorful, trendy, fun and functional. For more information on and other products from The Artful Penguin, LLC The Hook ‘em Horns Fork please visit

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Old World Gourmet Is Ringing In 2010 With A Little Frost On The Bubbly

First it was freezing wine, then it was the Bitch Bags (which, by the way, is their 2nd best selling line ), and now they are freezing champagne!! Old World Gourmet will be debuting their Bellini Frost line at the January 2010 Gift show at Americas Mart in Atlanta Georgia!! They have 3 flavors available at this time, a tropical mango, an apple and a harvest peach with additional flavors on the way! These three powdered mixes all make 1 gallon of positively fabulous frosted bubbly drinks. This is a mix, freeze and stir product line, just like their coast to coast famous frozen wine mix. No blenders, no ice needed which makes their product lines very consumer friendly. Private labeling is also available through Old World Gourmet with very low minimums. There is nothing like these three Bellini Frost Champagne Freeze Mixes….This is truly Champagne at its best! Update your Champagne experience and be a part of the trend for 2010!

Old World Gourmet Is Ringing In 2010 With A Little Frost On The Bubbly

Dan and De’Anna Sullivan started this business on September 11, 2001(yes, that date is correct) with only 2 products and over the last 8 years they have constantly surprised and delighted retailers from coast to coast with their innovative and “out of the box” creativity and product lines. The company now has over 70 products, each one being unique in creation, color, packaging, and flavors. Old World Gourmet has received multiple 1st place awards for Best Packaging, Best Cold Beverage, Best Snack, and Best New Gift Item. Visit their web site at and you’ll agree that they are way ahead of the curve!

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Spanish Food at Christmas Time: A Festive Treat

Perhaps one of the most flavoursome cuisines in the world, Spanish Food has plenty to offer in the way of enjoyment, and is for that reason a great addition to any Christmas stocking. With superb wines, from Riojas to Moscatel dessert wine, and excellent olives, Spanish food is a notable indulgence that can really put the enjoyment back into Christmas winters.

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The range of cheeses and meats in Spanish food is also impressive: for meat lovers, there’s no better gift than a well preserved chorizo sausage, or some finely prepared Serrano ham, and the Manchego, Idiazabal and Murcia al Vino cheeses are some of the best in the world, and will certainly get the love and appreciation they deserve from the cheese addicts among your presents list.

When stuck for something to buy those at Christmas who insist that it’s a time for enjoyment and fun, then, remember that specialist and genuinely quality food and drink are excellent luxuries that most people will appreciate, and that Spanish food is some of the best cuisine out there.

The Mediterranean is so rich in cuisine, in fact, that some of its most famous exports – its meats and cheeses – are easily matched by its vegetarian dishes, such as asparagus, piquillo peppers and artichokes.

For those with a sweet tooth, too, there are plenty of nuts, sweets and honeys and jams that can satisfy even the most ardent sugar fiend.

Contact Details:,, 44 (0) 1865 340055, Delicioso UK Ltd, Unit 14, Tower Business Park, Berinsfield, Oxon OX10 7LN.

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Alimentum Makes The Sunday Telegraph Top 50 Summer Restaurants List

Alimentum Restaurant in Cambridge, renowned for its affordable, ethical, award-winning food was placed runner up in the prestigious Observer Food Monthly Best Restaurants in Great Britain Awards recently, joining The Fat Duck at Bray in the Southern area selections. Moro in London took the overall prize – as voted by readers of the Guardian / Observer titles.

The online review says simply “Gorgeous menus using organic and locally sourced produce.”

And in August The Sunday Telegraphs Jasper Gerard voted Alimentum one of his top 50 summer restaurants in the UK after dining at the restaurant in July

“…This French classic is rarely executed with much panache in England, but this is as delicious as I’ve tasted… there is plenty of gastro promise here and I heartily recommend it.”
– Jasper Gerard, The Telegraph

Speaking about the influential recognition the restaurant has achieved of late, owner John Hudgell commented “This is just superb recognition of all that we are striving to achieve at the restaurant. To be placed as a runner up alongside Heston Blumenthal and his team has made everyone here feel a little bit special – and rightly so! And Jasper Gerard doesn’t pull any punches either so we’re obviously doing lots of things right.

August has been quite a month for us as we’ve also just received news that we’ve been shortlisted for another RSPCA Award – having picked up the Innovation Award in 2008 we have this year been nominated in the Independent Restaurant category and are looking forward to the awards night on October 7th.

For details on the RSPCA nomination click here:

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Who Says There’s No Such Thing As A Free Lunch (Or Dinner)?

Who says there’s no such thing as a free lunch (or dinner)? To celebrate the launch of their new website, Alimentum Restaurant Cambridge is giving customers the chance to win a meal for two, up to the value of £100, every month for a year at Alimentum! Furthermore, there are twelve runner up prizes of dinner for two, again worth £100 per meal.*

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To enter this fabulous competition, simply visit and follow the instructions on the screen. Closing date for entries is September 30th 2009, and the lucky winner will be announced at the restaurant by owner John Hudgell in the first week of October.

Since opening in 2007, Alimentum has been quietly making a name for itself, winning three AA Rosettes, runner up at The Observer Food Monthly awards 2008, as well as a RSPCA Good Business award for their commitment to the ethical values of the restaurant. Head chef Mark Poynton recently joined the restaurant from nearby two-Michelin starred Midsummer House, where he spent seven years in the kitchen. Mark draws on his extensive Michelin Star restaurant experience to create dishes brimming with quality and originality at Alimentum. Starters from Mark’s new menu at Alimentum includeVelouté of pea with lardo and pea shoots and Assiette of duck with nettle puree and girolles.Main courses include Slow roast sirloin of beef Bordelaise, fricassee of snails and girolles and braised beef shin. And tempting dessertsinclude blackberry and granny smith mousse with granny smith sorbet.

Alimentum is also proud to host an acclaimed jazz club showcasing established and award winning rising stars every Tuesday evening, with the new season beginning in mid September.

One of the top French restaurants in Cambridge, Alimentum also has a cocktail bar, fantastic set menus and special offers.

*Terms and conditions apply

By taking part you are agreeing to receive news and promotions from Restaurant Alimentum. There is no purchase necessary but will only accept one entry per person. All winners will be notified and invited to join us at the restaurant for a glass of bubbly and prize-giving presentation. Your data will never be passed to a third party and you have the option to unsubscribe from e-marketing activity at any point in the future.

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Sugar Rush? Sweet Tooth? Retro Sweets are back!

Friday the 5th of February 1953 may not stand out in your mind but when you think about it this date actually probably had a BIG impact on your childhood; why? Because it marks the day when the Government ended sweet rationing of course! Meaning the sugar rush felt by kids all across the nation was well and truly back. It is also the reason that when you were growing up you had so much choice and freedom with the amount of sweets that were on offer to you.

Welcome to the Retro Sweet Shop!

Black jacks, cola bottles, dolly mixtures, caramac bars, drumstick lollies, flying saucers, love hearts, fruit salads, dip dabs, milk bottles and much more – Did you think they’d disappeared? Think again! All of your favourites are now back, ready for you to relive the old days.

I bet the mere mention of the above has taken you down memory lane and dug up concepts of your childhood. Going to the tuck shop in your break time to buy rainbow drops, trips to the corner shop to pick up some gobstoppers, walking home f r o m school with a bag of cola cubes and hanging out with friends sharing all your favourites; sweets have been a part of our childhood and we all had our favourites but why should we abandon these sweet delights just because we are older? Let’s carry on the tradition and start satisfying our sweet tooth again!

Thanks to the Internet boom there are now websites emerging that provide you with a huge range of retro chews, chocs, lollies, yummy gummies, treats and bubblegum as well as retro bars. The choice is so big that it is guaranteed to satisfy even the sweetest tooth and best of all they can make the perfect gift.

Treat your loved ones with traditional, retro sweet gifts

Whether you are looking to buy for yourself or someone special, retro sweets are sure to put a smile on anyone’s face. A prime example of when they make the perfect gift is a 21st or 30th birthday of one of your oldest friends, someone who you used to go to the corner shop with to buy sherbet sticks. Buying a gift hamper of retro sweets will bring back all the childhood memories of all the time the two of you spent together; what a perfect way to celebrate a special occasion!

Maybe you are looking to treat your special other half? Love hearts, Parma violets and strawberries and cream hard boiled old fashioned sweets are a cute, romantic way of staying I love you.

If you are looking to say thank you to a family member, such as your Grandma then think back to when you were young and how she always carried your favourite traditional sweets in her bag; why not repay the favour? Visit an online store and make your own gift bag of sweets, which includes all of her favourites and all of those classic sweets she used to keep especially for you. Not only does this provide her with lovely treats but it also demonstrates how much you appreciate everything she used to do for you and how much you love spending time with her.

What if the person you are buying the retro sweets for doesn’t really have any memories of them f r o m their childhood? Maybe they were too young or just never really indulged. In cases such as this I say let them start to create some memories now! Introduce them to the sweets that meant a lot to you when you were growing up because remember your never too young or too old to get stuck into some sweets!

If you are looking to treat someone with a selection of sweets then DON’T rush out to your local shop; all you’ll find there are a limited selection of modern sweets, what you need to do it get yourself to an online sweet shop. Visit a site that specialises in retro sweets f r o m decades such as the 70’s and 80’s and you will be amazed at what you can find. All the classics and all your favourites will be on there; all that’s left for you to do then is to pick which ones you want, so start looking now and create the perfect gift and trip down memory lane.

For more information please visit our website

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