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Ultimate Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie

Nuchia Foods Corporation has a recipe for a gluten free chocolate chip cookie made from its alternative flour. Their Original Chia Seed Flour is an all purpose baking flour that does not require any additives plus it is loaded with omega-3, protein and insoluble fiber. Original Chia Seed Flour bakes and taste remarkably similar to whole wheat. It can be substituted 1 for 1 for highly processed wheat flour.

Nuchia Foods Original Chia Seed flour is the only flour of its kind. It is not just ground up Chia Seeds offered by other companies, it is an all purpose alternative flour made from a special process.

Nuchia is releasing a full line of Gluten Free Snacks in April and has released the recipe for its Ultimate Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie. You can wait and find it in your stores or try it for yourself.

Cookie Recipe

Ultimate Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie


1 1/2 cup Butter
3 1/2 Cup Organic Brown Sugar
5 1/4 cup Nuchia Original Chia Flour
2 each Eggs
2 tsp Vanilla
1/2 cup water
1 tsp sea salt (a little less)
4 tsp baking power
2 tbs Baking cocoa
2 cup Dark Chocolate (chucks or chips)


Place soften (not melted) butter, sugar, water, eggs and vanilla in mixing bowl. With a mixer, mix together until creamy. 2. Mix dry ingredients and dark chocolate chips together in separate bowl then by hand add to wet mix in portions. Bake 5 to 8 minutes at 325 (modify bake time to make a soft or harder Cookie). We used a convection oven; modify baking time to suit baking conditions.

We used a 2 tablespoon cookie scoop to portion cookies, and then rolled them into balls. Batch makes 170 cookies, enough for a gluten free birthday party.

Contact: Nuchia Foods Corporation

p. 407-857-2320 ext. 101 

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Beer Universe Launches in Alpha

Beer Universe Launches! Beer Universe, Inc. (Beer Universe or the “Company”) is a new social media / e-commerce website that revolutionizes the beer marketplace and community for beer enthusiasts of all ages (over 21, of course). Beer Universe provides an unrivaled online destination for beer enthusiasts and a solution to all of their beer related needs. Through these offerings, Beer Universe is able to provide users with exposure to new brands as well as greater knowledge about their favorites – thus creating a medium to obtain more aptitude about the universe of beer.

The Company was founded in September 2007 and has been funded by the employees ever since. The company officially was incorporated in December 2008.

Beer Universe, Inc.
Chicago, IL 60657

Key Facts
o Founded: September 2007
o Incorporated: December 2008
o Employees: 4
o Status: Private

Product Highlights
o Beer, Bar, Brewery Profiles
o Groups / Forums
o Beer Recommendations
o Beer / Beer Related Articles
o Biweekly Newsletter
o Beer of the Week
o Universal Third Party Store

o Points Store for users
o Beer of the week provides new beers
from breweries across the country
o Similar beers and recommended beers
give a tailored experience to all users
o Dynamic ratings across the site
enhance the user experience
o Friends can publicly “owe” a beer to
others on the site

Initial Points Levels
o Beer Novice — 0 points
o Beer Amateur — 5,000 points
o Beer Drinker — 12,500 points
o Beer Explorer — 25,000 points
o Beer Connoisseur — 65,000 points
o Beer Aficionado — 140,000 points

Market Overview
The Beer industry landscape has undergone significant change in the past several years. Beer Universe’s market is being driven by growth in the craft brewing segment, which is expanding between 13% – 15% per year, and grew more than 20% in 2007. Similar to other industries, breweries are allocating increasing amounts of their marketing budgets to online or emerging media, which from a macro perspective is growing at approximately 20% annually, amounting to $29 billion in 2008, and is expected to grow to $40 billion in 2010.

Beer Universe provides a number of products for its user base, including:

Beer, Bar, Brewery Profiles
Information on other sites is often cluttered and difficult to sort
through. Beer Universe’s user interface was designed to eliminate this problem for our users. The Company is driven via user generated content – the more the users contribute the better the site gets!

Groups / Forums
Staying true to it’s social networking components, Beer Universe has built groups / forum capabilities. As soon as you register on Beer Universe you can peruse our forums and join groups to start a healthy discussion on beer!

Beer Recommendations
Beer Universe helps users put together beers they love by an initial
survey and subsequent ratings. The more beers you rate the better Beer Universe can help you!

Beer / Beer Related Articles
Articles with RSS feeds allow Beer Universe to help its users stay up to date with market information. Also, Beer Universe often has guest writers who share their own unique perspectives on beer!

Biweekly Newsletter
The Company’s Biweekly Newsletter highlights industry news and information and is distributed to breweries / informed consumers!

Beer of the Week
Beer Universe seeks out the best beers across the country and the world to promote to our users in order to expand their horizons. From a classic premium lager to a Belgium ale – Beer Universe provides variety on a weekly basis!

Universal Store
The Company’s universal store is comprised of products from a variety of vendors. Consumers can shop for any beer related products they want in a single location!

The Big Question: How Do Points Work?
Beer Universe’s points system creates an incentive for users to frequently use our platform. The Company has put together a system that allows users to benefit greatly from their continued use of the site. Users earn points through:

  • Adding a beer / bar / brewery
  • Writing reviews over 25 words
  • Writing quality reviews
  • Creating a group
  • Joining a group
  • Joining a quality group
What does this really mean? Beer Universe gives users points if they add a beer, bar or brewery to the system. (Beer Universe has not currently included ways for users to edit any of these in the current database, but this will be added in the near future.) In addition, users are incentivized to write reviews on beers, bars or breweries greater than 25 words. For each review a users adds to the Company’s system, they will receive 50 points. Reviews that are ranked by others as being Helpful will earn the author an additional 50 points.Beer Universe has also built incentives around Groups. The system buckets users in groups and treats each individual group as a user. Once a group reaches a minimum threshold of reviews, they will ALL receive points that will be distributed to all the members. In addition, if the group writes quality reviews – they will receive bonus points for these same reviews. Leaders of all these groups will earn a bonus for starting highly successful groups.

All point allocations to users are subject to change from time to time.

We really hope you enjoy using Beer Universe.
Your Choice. Your Beer. Drink Up.

For more information, please visit

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Profits From My Kitchen

Cooking with Denay has unveiled two new online classes for foodies nationwide. How to Operate a Home-Based Bakery is back by popular demand along with a new course, Cooking for a Crowd: Do It Yourself Catering. The classes are available online and designed to help bakers start a home-based bakery business; and help cooks learn the strategies and secrets behind cooking for large groups.

testEveryone knows economic times are growing more unpredictable by the minute. Who isn’t looking for a way to earn or save money? How to Operate a Home-Based Bakery is for anyone who would like to operate a home-bakery business and sell their products directly to the public. Currently, there are 11 states that allow home-based bakers to sell their baked goods to the public; Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont and Virginia, along with numerous counties across the United States.

The second online course, Cooking for a Crowd – Do it yourself catering is designed to teach students how to cook for large groups. The micro course offers strategies, techniques and recipes for feeding the masses affordably; teaching students catering tips and approaches. Cooking for a crowd is not something done weekly or even monthly, but when a host needs to serve a large group, it must be done with style and finesse.

Instructor, Detra Denay Davis, is devoted to teaching everyone how to get back to the basics and fire up the oven! Currently a cooking instructor for the Wake County Public School Lifelong Learning Program, some of Denay’s former students have included personal chefs who wanted to impact their bottom line, a baker from Mexico selling her unique flavored tortillas and a mother of six who wanted to save a bundle catering the graduation party for twin daughters. Denay maintains online learning offers students flexibility, allowing them to work at their own pace, interact and learn from students all over the nation.

About the Instructor
Detra Denay Davis is a writer and cooking instructor living in Cary, North Carolina. She writes a Blog for everyday food enthusiast and a food column for A former caterer from Detroit, Michigan, Denay was featured in Bon Appétit magazine and is an active member of the International Culinary Professionals Association (ICPA), Slow Food (Triangle Chapter), and Southern Foodways Alliance, an organization dedicated to keeping the diverse food cultures of the American South alive. When Denay is not teaching she is the organizer of the Culinary Historians of North Carolina. Email Denay at:

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Sugar Rush? Sweet Tooth? Retro Sweets are back!

Friday the 5th of February 1953 may not stand out in your mind but when you think about it this date actually probably had a BIG impact on your childhood; why? Because it marks the day when the Government ended sweet rationing of course! Meaning the sugar rush felt by kids all across the nation was well and truly back. It is also the reason that when you were growing up you had so much choice and freedom with the amount of sweets that were on offer to you.

Welcome to the Retro Sweet Shop!

Black jacks, cola bottles, dolly mixtures, caramac bars, drumstick lollies, flying saucers, love hearts, fruit salads, dip dabs, milk bottles and much more – Did you think they’d disappeared? Think again! All of your favourites are now back, ready for you to relive the old days.

I bet the mere mention of the above has taken you down memory lane and dug up concepts of your childhood. Going to the tuck shop in your break time to buy rainbow drops, trips to the corner shop to pick up some gobstoppers, walking home f r o m school with a bag of cola cubes and hanging out with friends sharing all your favourites; sweets have been a part of our childhood and we all had our favourites but why should we abandon these sweet delights just because we are older? Let’s carry on the tradition and start satisfying our sweet tooth again!

Thanks to the Internet boom there are now websites emerging that provide you with a huge range of retro chews, chocs, lollies, yummy gummies, treats and bubblegum as well as retro bars. The choice is so big that it is guaranteed to satisfy even the sweetest tooth and best of all they can make the perfect gift.

Treat your loved ones with traditional, retro sweet gifts

Whether you are looking to buy for yourself or someone special, retro sweets are sure to put a smile on anyone’s face. A prime example of when they make the perfect gift is a 21st or 30th birthday of one of your oldest friends, someone who you used to go to the corner shop with to buy sherbet sticks. Buying a gift hamper of retro sweets will bring back all the childhood memories of all the time the two of you spent together; what a perfect way to celebrate a special occasion!

Maybe you are looking to treat your special other half? Love hearts, Parma violets and strawberries and cream hard boiled old fashioned sweets are a cute, romantic way of staying I love you.

If you are looking to say thank you to a family member, such as your Grandma then think back to when you were young and how she always carried your favourite traditional sweets in her bag; why not repay the favour? Visit an online store and make your own gift bag of sweets, which includes all of her favourites and all of those classic sweets she used to keep especially for you. Not only does this provide her with lovely treats but it also demonstrates how much you appreciate everything she used to do for you and how much you love spending time with her.

What if the person you are buying the retro sweets for doesn’t really have any memories of them f r o m their childhood? Maybe they were too young or just never really indulged. In cases such as this I say let them start to create some memories now! Introduce them to the sweets that meant a lot to you when you were growing up because remember your never too young or too old to get stuck into some sweets!

If you are looking to treat someone with a selection of sweets then DON’T rush out to your local shop; all you’ll find there are a limited selection of modern sweets, what you need to do it get yourself to an online sweet shop. Visit a site that specialises in retro sweets f r o m decades such as the 70’s and 80’s and you will be amazed at what you can find. All the classics and all your favourites will be on there; all that’s left for you to do then is to pick which ones you want, so start looking now and create the perfect gift and trip down memory lane.

For more information please visit our website

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World Panda Healthy Herbal Drink (Panda Sober Drink)

“World Panda Healthy Herbal Drink” (Panda Sober Drink), a very inspirational Sober-upproduct, is Dr. Chao’s own patented product that comes from a line of 130-year-old formulas developed and first used by Dr. Chao’s ancestors back in 1878. This 100% all-natural herbal beverage is manufactured in the state of Wisconsin, and has been certified by the National Food Laboratory of America to be sugar-free, calorie-free, caffeine-free, contains no preservatives and no artificial sweeteners of any kind.

Consuming alcohol may cause headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, unclear mind, uncomfortable stomach, thirstiness, and a bitter taste, and can also cause severe headache, stomach ache, loss of appetite, and a lethargic feeling from a previous night of alcohol consumption.

Drinking 1 to 3 cans of Panda Drink before consuming alcohol, or mixing it with alcohol, will allow individuals to drink three times more alcohol without getting drunk and dizzy.

When drunk, drinking 3 to 5 cans of Panda Drink will allow individuals to quickly recover from alcohol intoxication within three hours, relieving the symptoms of headache, dizziness, vomiting, thirstiness, and clearing the bitter taste, as well as avoiding a severe headache the next day. This drink enables the individual to restore his or her natural state of mind, so that they can function normally the next day.

The herbs in the Panda Drink contain special enzymes that help alcohol dehydrogenase break down alcohol quicker, then quickly convert the alcohol to harmless water and carbon dioxide and thus can be discharged rapidly through urine. At the same time, the herbs of Panda Drink help to balance the functions of the liver and the heart, improve the metabolism of cerebrum cells, and increase the cells’ absorption rate of oxygen. According to Dr.Chao’s expertise, people can avoid the harm from alcohol and won’t get drunk if alcohol can be converted into harmless water and carbon dioxide quickly. Therefore, drinking with Panda Drink will help people keep a clear head even when drinking great quantities of alcohol.

In order to expand our service, we are looking for business partner who has the financial capability and sales experience in the beverage industry to join the company’s management team.

For more information on the sober up drink, and to purchase it, please call U.S. PANDA FOODS & BEVERAGES INC. at 1-877-237-2426.

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Old World Gourmet Received A First Place Award For Best New Gourmet Gift With Their Party In A Pitcher

They have taken their line of already consumer friendly bar mixers, put it in the actual pitcher you make it up in, gift wrapped it, and it’s ready to go! The pitchers are trimmed out with coordinating colors to match the bar mixer inside. The Margarita Pitchers are done in bright greens, the Cosmopolitans are in hot pink…..the Frozen Wine Chillers are in burgandys, sage and golds…….you get the picture. Absolutely THE Perfect Hostess Gifts.

Old World Gourmet also received First Place in the Best Snack Category for their Simply SINsational Trail Mix. They combined freshly roasted and lightly salted pecans, almonds, cashews, brazils, macadamias, pistachios, hazelnuts and peanuts and then added FRIED GREEN PEAS! Mama said………. eat your peas and what a way to eat your peas! It’s packaged in assorted bandanas tied with jute string. A great snack mix with a keepsake bandana!! This item is a great basket inclusion, perfect for Father’s Day, and can even be assembled in your favorite “GAME DAY” colors! This is simply The Best Snack in town!

Old World Gourmet has been in the business of selling frozen wine chillers for 6 years. Dan and Deanna Sullivan attribute the success of their company to the grace of God, commitment to succeed, and always exceeding our customer’s expectations. “Success for us is truly measured by our customer’s complete satisfaction.” Deanna states.

Old World Gourmet actually made its debut on September 11, 2001… (Yes that date is correct). Dan reflected back to the day the business started, “We were in Philadelphia at the National Candy Show. Certainly we will never be able to forget that day.”

Old World Gourmet will be celebrating their 6th year in business on September 11, 2007. “Our parent company “Nuts for You” started in 1996 in Florida with two products, cinnamon and sugar glazed nuts and my grandmother’s “church punch” which later became our signature “Old World Cider”. Deanna reminisced By providing a high quality line of products and designing their own packaging and marketing strategies, It is no wonder that within the last five (5) years Old World Gourmet has reached a regular customer base just over 4000. They manufacture all of their products from the actual item to the custom bags that they go into. All are hand-crafted and hand assembled one bag at a time. Merchants who have developed a working relationship with Old World Gourmet are able to take advantage of their private labeling for resellers. If there is a frozen wine cooler on the market, it likely got its start at Old World Gourmet.

Old World Gourmet has been featured in The Home Business Magazine which highlights “self-made” business individuals. Some of their products such as our Vineyard Frost and their Margarita have been featured in magazines such as Rave Reviews and Country Business. Their products can be found in locations such at The Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson Airport, Tampa Airport, Orlando Airport, Hallmarks, Theme parks, Boutiques, Hospital gift shops, and hundreds of retail shops.

Excitedly Deanna announces the new line of products that just hit the market. “Our Wine @ Five Collections(TM) of frozen wine chillers is a must! The hottest NEW Frozen Wine Drinks are here. Vineyard Frost, a refreshingly different way to cool down on a hot summer day! Just add our Vineyard Frost, your favorite wine, and mix, freeze and enjoy! No blender or ice needed. We are also the home of the “BITCH BAG” Collection of frozen Wine Mixes. That’s right, the “BITCH BAG” collection! THE BITCH IS BACK and she is at Old World Gourmet! Hot off the production line from Old World Gourmet, their new “Bitch Bag Collection” is breaking record sales. The powdered mix collection consists of all the favorites, “Wine-E-Bitch”, “Bitch-ARita”, “Cosmo Bitch”, “Lemon Drop Bitch” and “Bitchy Colada”.

For a delightful and unique wine tasting party, mix with your favorite wine, freeze about 3 hours, wire whisk and instantly become the best host/hostess in town! A frozen wine way ahead of its time!

These “Bitches” are here to stay. Come on now……………… you know you WANT ONE!

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Sick & Tired of Being Stressed-out? A 130-Year-Old Herbal Drink May Be Your Ticket to Relaxation and Better Health

Lately you must hear people everywhere talking about “STRESS.” Indeed Yes, Nowadays the United States and even globally economies are dwindling; people are facing job instability, unemployment, and devaluation of their real estate property and stock portfolios, all of which contribute to the increasing amount of stress on people. According to the American Psychological Association (APA) report, there are nearly 113,000,000 people in the U.S. who have severe stress.

The problem with stress is it negatively affects health and can lead to trouble sleeping, headaches, constipation, diarrhea, irritability, lack of energy, lack of concentration, anger, depression, stomach problems, skin problems, anxiety, weight gain or loss, heart problems, high blood pressure, and more.

To help combat stress and its negative impact on health, Dr. G.L. Chao, a Ph.D. in Chinese Herbal Medicine, along with several other prominent Doctors of Chinese Herbal Medicine, began researching Dr. Chao’s 130-year-old family herbal formulas,was developed and first used by Dr. Chao’s great-great grandfather Dr. Baoyin Chao back in 1878 to help people relax and relieve the negative health problems caused by stress in China.

After intensive research, Dr. Chao and his research team were delighted to discover that his family’s herbal drink could be used to reduce the symptoms of stress by regulating the immune system and the brain’s central nervous system. The family’s herbal formula helped improve blood capillary circulation, thus regulating high blood pressure and reducing the feelings of depression, stress, and worries.

In 2008, under the guidance of the American National Food Laboratory, a healthy herbal drink “Dr. Chao Stress Reliever” has finally been made available in the USA.

Dr. Chao Stress Reliever is manufactured in the state of Wisconsin, U.S.A. and has been certified by the National Food Laboratory of America to be sugar-free, calorie-free, caffeine-free, and it contains no preservatives and no artificial sweeteners. This drink is a 100% all-natural herbal beverage that contains the true flavor of a unique blend of wild grown herbs, it comes in a can with an easy-open lid, tastes naturally sweet and has the scent of fresh mountain herbs,soothes thirst, and does not have side effects.

The top three traits of Dr. Chao stress Reliever are:

1. It is the only beverage that serves as a high-level nutritional supplement made with an all natural herbal formula.
2. It is the only canned supplement beverage named with “Doctor”.
3. It is the only beverage that contains no sugar, no calories, no caffeine, no preservatives and no artificial sweeteners.

Dr. Chao Stress Reliever is an all-natural, advanced nutrition supplement. It doesn’t only help to relieve stress; but more importantly it relieves the symptoms caused by stress both naturally and efficiently, such as headache, insomnia, irritability, anxiety, depression, constipation and many more.

Dr. Chao Stress Reliever is named with “Doctor” and “Doctor” means good reputation and credibility, it wins the trust of consumers. Currently, there are only a few products for stress relief, beverages and pills are rarely seen in the general market today, and herbal beverages created by an actual doctor, like Dr.Chao’s, is even rarer.

U.S. Panda Foods & Beverages Company devotes itself to provide all natural, green, and outstanding series of Dr. Chao healthy beverages. Currently they have the following beverages available: Panda Sober Drink, Dr. Chao Stress Reliever, Dr. Chao Adult Drink, Dr. Chao Lady Drink, and Dr. Chao Sober Drink. All of these are Dr. Chao’s very own-patented products. The company believes that Dr. Chao Healthy Beverages will become a staple in the daily American way of life due to the numerous health benefits the beverages can bring. The principles of this company are to bring the ancient and efficient herbal formulas to the U.S., and to manufacture their beverages by using the best production facility in the USA, to ensure quality and health, and at the same time, share their products with people all over America and the world as well.

In order to expand their service, U.S. Panda Foods & Beverages company is looking for a business partner who has the financial capability and sales experience in the beverage industry to join their management team.

For more information on all-natural Dr. Chao’s Stress Reliever herbal beverage, and to purchase it, please call U.S. Panda Foods & Beverages Inc. at 1-877-2DR CHAO (1-877-237-2426).

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Lighterlife Clients Shed Weight In 2008

LighterLife, the weight-loss and weight-management programme for people who are one stone or more overweight, has announced that it has helped the UK shed almost 94,000 stone in just one year.

Up and down the country, LighterLife clients have lost an amazing 93,719 stone – that is the equivalent weight to 30 of the 32 pods on the London Eye and one and a half Angel of the North bronze statues.

In just 12 months LighterLife has shown clients how to lose weight and change their lives beyond recognition and many have gone from struggling to walk or run to taking part in cycle rides, running marathons, climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, taking up dance classes, holidaying abroad for the first time, changing careers or simply just playing with their children.

Sara Jamison, Sales and Marketing Director, LighterLife commented: “Every day we receive so many inspirational stories from clients who have a new lease of life after losing weight on the LighterLife Programme. All of our clients have their own unique weight-loss journey whether they have one stone or 15 stone to lose. Not only do our clients benefit physically from their weight loss but also emotionally and the counselling techniques we offer them show them the reason behind their overeating and teach them how they keep the weight off in the future.”

She continued, “With the introduction of the new LighterLife Lite Programme which is available to those people who are one stone or more overweight, we will be able to reach people before they tip into the obesity danger zone and help even more people across the country lose weight fast and manage their healthy weight in the future.”

About LighterLife:
LighterLife is a weight loss and weight management programme for people who are one stone or more overweight and with a body mass index of 25 or above. Over 100,000 people have successfully lost weight with LighterLife since 1996.

The unique LighterLife approach offers programmes specific to the obese and the overweight in the form of nutritionally complete soups, shakes and bars combined with specialised counselling using cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and transactional analysis (TA) techniques. Clients benefit not only from rapid, safe weight loss but they also learn the behavioural changes needed to sustain it. Founded in 1996, the LighterLife Programme was developed by three of its directors – Jackie Cox, Bar Hewlett and Rebecca Hunter.

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Raw Desserts – the New Innovative Approach to Guilt-Free Indulgence

Raw Creations®, LLC – Raw Creations was established in 2007, and specializes in creating delicious, health conscious desserts, which accommodate people with food allergies and other dietary restrictions. Our energy-rich, Certified Organic, Raw/Vegan desserts are naturally delicious, primarily allergy-free (e.g. Gluten/Wheat, Soy, Dairy/Eggs), and sweetened with only natural sugars such as agave, and dates.

Raw Creations line of cakes, cookies, tarts and other products are a new and innovative approach to desserts. They are very different from your traditional variety, and consist of only Organic/Raw unprocessed ingredients. These ingredients consist mainly of nuts, coconut oil, dates, carob, cacao, and low-glycemic sweeteners such as agave.

Raw Creations focus is wholesale to retail stores, restaurants, and other venues.

About Raw Creations®, LLC
Jason Janiak a certified Raw Foods Chef and founder of Raw Creations, set out to launch his business after he successfully healed his own allergies on a Raw foods diet. “Overcoming cravings for sweets without aggravating my allergies, I created a line of innovative Raw desserts. Our desserts are indistinguishable in taste and appearance from their baked counterparts, and receive rave reviews. Finding myself inundated with requests to make my products commercially available, I established Raw Creations.” – Jason Janiak

“What make our desserts agreeable with most everybody is the ingredients that are absent, containing no Processed Sugars, Wheat/Gluten, Corn, Dairy/Eggs, added Sodium, or Soy. In addition, they are produced in a Certified Organic facility, which is free from any of these allergens as well. Also, we extend the purity of our products through all avenues of production by using only organic soaps, cleansers, and towels as well” – Jason Janiak

Raw Creations focuses on environmental awareness, and uses corn-based/compostable packaging, as well as recycled materials. We continue to find new ways to reduce waste, and contribute to environmental consciousness.

Raw Creations products are currently carried in several Chicagoland Whole Foods stores, and currently several other outlets are in negotiations. To interview Jason Janiak please contact via phone (708) 212-8694 or E-mail, visit for more information. We have done several interviews in the past with NBC, 190 North, etc… and can be found at our website as well.

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Floridians to name an official Florida State Sandwich

Florida recording artists Robin And The Giant have begun an informal campaign to recommend that the State Of Florida embrace the idea of declaring an official “state sandwich.” The idea stemmed from a radio conversation on NewsTalk 1370 WOCA, in Ocala, FL, when the morning-drive duo read that legislation was introduced in Massachusetts to make the “Fluffernutter” the official sandwich of the commonwealth. For those of you from outside of New England, a “Fluffernutter” is a simple sandwich composed of 2 slices of bread, peanut butter and Marshmallow Fluff.

Listeners called the radio program to offer their own suggestions for the official Florida sandwich which included the Gator Burger, the Cuban Sandwich, the Barbecue Pork Sandwich, and the Peanut Butter And Jelly sandwich because of the large number of peanut farms in the state. Robin And The Giant say if you’d like to suggest a sandwich you can log onto their website at and enter your suggestion onto their “Guest” page.

While not a serious issue, it wouldn’t be the first time an official food made it to the Tallahassee think-tanks. Back in 2006, the Florida Senate passed a bill making Key Lime Pie the official state pie. Earlier that year, there had been some discussion that pecan pie should be the state pie, given the large number of pecan farms in the state.

Robin And The Giant have been a Florida based musical duo since 1988. Last year the duo released the song “To Infinity” which told the story, in ballad form, of the miraculous story of survival of Walter Marino and his 13-year-old son Christopher who were rescued after treading water in open ocean off the coast of Florida without lifejackets for 12 hours.

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Chicago Steak Company Announces Free Shipping And Special Pricing For Holiday Specials

The Chicago Steak Company is very pleased to announce a great selection of gift specials for the holidays and a very special price on shipping, 100% free of charge! Special pricing along with free shipping will really help take some of the pain out of gift giving these holidays.

Holiday Greetings Gift Pack:

Bring home the Holidays this year with this generous combination of delicious gourmet steaks.

2 (6oz) Filet Mignons
2 (10 oz) Boneless Strips
2 (8 oz) Top Sirloins
2 (8 oz) Ribeyes

$89.99 and Includes Free Shipping

Seasons Greetings Gift Pack:

Welcome the Holidays this year with mouthwatering steaks and gourmet burgers.

4 (5 oz) Filet Mignons
4 (5 oz) Top Sirloins
8 (8 oz)) Gourmet Burgers

$84.00 and Includes free shipping

Santa’s Special Gift Pack:

Show someone you care with this collection of our most popular gourmet steaks.

6 (7 oz) Filet Mignons
6 (6 oz) Top Sirloins
6 (8 oz) Boneless Strips

$149.99 and Includes free Shipping  

To take advantage of these Best Steak specials visit the Chicago steak company page for Steak Specials

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More Food & Beverage press releases Makes Ordering Food a Social Experience

Social Media start-up Bite2Eat Corporation announced today the launch of, a restaurant directory that makes it easy to order from restaurants using on-line menus. Whether a restaurant is looking for a free, no-hassle way to establish an on-line presence, or simply wants to supplement existing efforts, is a quick and risk-free way to attract new on-line customers and encourage existing ones to continue ordering.

“Restaurant owners have to focus on food quality, preparation and sales — they don’t want to spend the time or money figuring out how to manage getting orders on-line,” explained CEO Jay Bailey. “We make it painless to offer customers on-line menus — with no startup costs or ongoing fees — for absolutely any restaurant that takes delivery or pickup orders. It’s essentially free marketing with only a pay-for-performance cost.” Bite2Eat earns a small commission for each order sent by fax to a restaurant.

Co-founder and CTO Marc Fischman added, “The state of the economy means that ordering in is a great and inexpensive way to share an evening with friends. You can experience exotic world flavors without leaving your house. And it actually makes this the ideal time for us to offer owners a way to generate business without having to spend a lot on dubious marketing or cutting prices painfully.” complements the way a restaurant works without requiring equipment installations or dedicated computers. The Bite2Eat system can transmit orders by fax, by e-mail, or by an automated phone system that reads the order in a natural-sounding voice. Buddy Orders provide the ability for a customer to initiate an order and then invite colleagues, friends or family members to join that order. Each “Buddy” clicks on the menu’s items, and a single order is transmitted to the restaurant. “This is just the beginning,” explained Bailey. “We are planning a number of features that help foster the ‘social’ element of restaurant ordering. We hope to add an element of fun for the customer and, as a result, larger orders for our restaurants.”

Restaurant fans who would like the option of ordering from their favorite eateries can submit the restaurant information at or download, print and hand the restaurant owner a single-page, fax-ready form found at Restaurant owners can sign up at  

About the Company
Privately-funded was founded by Marc Fishman and Jay Bailey in the summer of 2008. The team at aims to make interacting with restaurants across the country as convenient and natural as the on-line banking or shopping you’ve become accustomed to. Ordering on-line – especially using our Buddy Orders with a group of friends or colleagues – is easy, quick and more relaxing than ordering by phone using a paper take-out menu.

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A New, Home Delivered Weight Loss System Was Recently Launched By Freshology Inc, Who Partnered With New Jersey Based MM365, A Well Respected Contract Feeding Resource

Two dynamic entities within the fresh food diet/lifestyle direct-to-consumer sector of the food business have joined forces to deliver a superior quality weight loss program. FRESHOLOGY INC. (, based in Burbank, California has launched their latest innovative gourmet nutrition home-delivered weight loss program, GET SLIM.

FRESHOLOGY has enlisted the fulfillment expertise of MM365 FOOD SOLUTIONS, an Edison, New Jersey-based enterprise bringing over 30 years of quality food capabilities to the booming ready-made meal sector of the food industry.

Partnering with FRESHOLOGY, along with a number of the most successful, high-end names in the fresh food diet/lifestyle direct-to-consumer sector, MM365 FOOD SOLUTIONS has already established itself as the gourmet nutrition M.A.P. and Contract Feeding resource based in the Northeastern USA.

MM365 FOOD SOLUTION’S implementation of state-of-the-art M.A.P. (Modified Atmospheric Packaging) equipment, technologies and logistics, coupled with the freshest food ingredients prepared in the most creative and tasteful manner provides for a happy & healthy repeat customer. The company’s motto is, ‘Where the diet ends, the lifestyle begins. Real food, really convenient.

For further information on MM365’s FOOD SOLUTIONS Modified Atmospheric Packaging (M.A.P.) capabilities, please contact:

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Merri-Makers Caterers Of New Jersey Hosted The First Wedding Event At The Newly Rennovated Berkely Carteret Hotel In Asbury New Jersey

M2 Caterers served gourmet cuisine at the first wedding reception of the newly renovated Berkeley Carteret Hotel in Asbury, New Jersey. The grand hotel is one of the newest venues for Merri-Makers catering which is on the preferred and recommended list at many of New Jersey’s premier wedding properties.

The wedding reception included 200 guests enjoying fine dining in the lavish ballroom which overlooks sandy beaches and the beautiful blue ocean in Asbury. M2, the high-end catering division of Merri-Makers, executed the flawless event.

Merri-Makers began their catering business in 1978 and have facilitated countless weddings and parties, both on-premise and off-premise, over the past 30 years. Today Merri-Makers Catering is the exclusive caterer on some of New Jersey’s premier wedding properties including: The Stateroom, Bonnet Island Estate and Neshanic Valley Golf Course in Somerset County. Merri-Makers Catering is also on the recommended catering list for top wedding destinations that include Grounds for Sculpture, Morris Museum, the Mallard Island Yacht Club properties on Long Beach Island, and most recently, The Berkeley Hotel.

More information on wedding reception catering by Merri-Makers is available at

Merri-Makers Catering received awards as “Best Caterers” by The Knot magazine, a national bridal magazine, in both 2007 and 2008, and has earned its reputation as one of New Jersey’s most trusted and respected catering enterprises.

With their high-end catering division, M2 Caterers, coupled with their Food Solutions division, MM365, this multi-faceted catering and food service organization has established itself as New Jersey’s pre-eminent caterer providing quality food and service for all occasions including weddings, corporate events, social celebrations, and gourmet contract M.A.P. food preparation.

For more information about the company and their services, visit .

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Lighterlife Has Conducted A Survey That Reveals The Shocking Scale Of Abuse Suffered By Overweight Britons

LighterLife, the UK weight loss specialist, has conducted a survey of 1000 adults that reveals the full scale of abuse suffered by overweight or obese Britons.

According to the survey, nine out of ten overweight people in Britain have been called a derogatory name about their weight, and yet many who insult others are overweight or obese themselves. While 46% of people admit to having called, referred to or thought of an overweight person by a derogatory name because of their weight, the percentage of bullies who are overweight themselves is surprisingly high, with 33% of obese or very obese respondents admitting to insulting other overweight people.

When it comes to insulting friends and relatives, men are the cruelest, with 28 per cent of men – nearly a third – admitting to insulting overweight friends, whereas many more women are restrained, with just 11% levelling abuse at overweight people they know. The problem reduces with age however; 29 per cent of 16-24-year-olds will call a friend or relative a derogatory name, whereas only 12 per cent of 55-64-year-olds will do this.

Where someone lives is likely to determine how much abuse they get too. For example, 30% of Londoners would call a friend or relative a derogatory name, while only 15% of Scots would do the same.

The survey from LighterLife has concerned many in the weight management industry, stressing that people need encouragement to go on weight loss diets, not abuse.

Mandy Cassidy, a psychotherapist with LighterLife, said: “It’s sad that adults now find such behaviour acceptable, and particularly so among the younger age groups, as they could well carry through these views as they get older, thus increasing the problem even further.”

People can appear to shrug off comments, she added, but inside, they can be devastated:“Often it is only through counselling that the full impact become clear – many of our clients have resorted to avoiding social occasions and decline invitations.

“Even some people who appear totally confident say that they become ‘really good liars’ and concoct a range of excuses for not attending events – which can drive them indoors, to eat as a way of dealing with their hurt and anger, which compounds the problem.

“Just because someone is overweight, it doesn’t mean it’s acceptable to insult them. This type of prejudice isn’t tolerated in any other walk of life – so we shouldn’t allow it here?”

Dr Ian W Campbell, Hon. Medical Director of charity Weight Concern, said: “These findings are very concerning. People who have a weight problem need support, encouragement and advice on how to lose weight, not ridicule.

“Many already have underlying psychological and self-esteem issues and this type of behaviour can only serve to make matters worse and cause a great deal of distress.

“Few people want to be very overweight and would love to be able to change. That process needs support, not criticism; it needs incentive, not punishment.”

About LighterLife:
LighterLife is a weight loss management programme for people who are clinically obese, equivalent to three stone or more overweight and with a body mass index greater than 29.

The unique LighterLife approach combines low-calorie diets in the form of nutritionally complete soups, shakes and bars, with specialised counselling using cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and transactional analysis (TA) techniques. Clients benefit not only from safe, fast weight loss but they also learn the behavioural change needed to sustain it.

Founded in 1996, the LighterLife Programme was developed by three of its directors – Jackie Cox, Bar Hewlett and Rebecca Hunter.

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Acai Berry Facts, Testimonials, Latest News Articles

Purple has a whole new meaning and it comes the form a tiny berries called acai berries. With the launch of Acai Tabloid, a new site dedicated to providing information regarding these super berries, consumers can now look forward to getting more comprehensive information regarding the fruit, its benefits as well as scams concerning the berry. The website states facts, testimonials, latest news articles concerning the berry as well as a free trial for the acai berry.

Acai berries are found in the thick forests of the Amazon that grow in clusters atop the acai palm tree. The Acai berry is likened to be a cross between raspberries and chocolate, thus giving a delicious and unique flavor. Their flavor makes them a good combination and ingredient for fruit smoothies, granola, fruit drinks, yogurts and ice cream. These small tiny berries pack a healthy balance of protein, carbohydrates, omega fatty acids, vitamin E and minerals making it to the tops list of nutritional super foods.

Since media mogul Oprah Winfrey declared that the berry helped her in losing weight, the popularity of the acai berry has reached new heights and thus, it has also prompted scams to lure consumers into purchasing fake acai products. The Acai Tabloid seeks to help consumers from falling into this scam by providing valuable resources and guides, health benefits, as well as the most reliable places to buy acai berry products.

Consumers can also subscribe to the website’s RSS feeds to stay up to date concerning issues on the acai berry and other health and nutritional information. Not only that, the website encourages its visitors and acai berry consumers to relate and share their experiences from using the acai berry through its comments section.

The USDA Recommends that an average adult gets 3-5000 ORAC Units Daily. ORAC is the acronym for ‘Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity’ and most of us are getting less than 1000 a day. The Acai has very high ORAC values which are about 5500 ORAC value for just 100g.

For additional information or a sample copy, contact Jaime at

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Waitrose Launches New Range Of Seasonal Fine Foods With An International Twist Which Has Something To Suit All Tastes And Budgets

Waitrose has announced the launch of their new range of seasonal fine foods with something to suit all tastes and budgets.

As the credit crunch drives the appeal for home entertaining and dining, those watching the pennies this festive period can still enjoy the finest foods with the fresh party collection from Waitrose.

The new range offers an exciting collection of 38 contemporary canapés, with something to suit all tastes.

This latest range includes bite-sized classics from around the world, such as traditional styled classics with British recipes like Mini Beef Wellingtons, and Mini Yorkshire Puddings filled with beef, onion relish and crème fraîche with horseradish and mustard.

The Mediterranean collection includes Scallop and Chorizo Skewers, which are hand-made with slices of spicy Spanish chorizo and succulent scallops, marinated with roasted peppers, Sunblush tomato paste and parsley. Other Mediterranean favourites include the ever popular Brie and Cranberry Parcels, as well as Mushroom and Mascarpone Cups, Mini Bruschettas and Lamb Koftas.

The Oriental flavours which are on offer include Mini Salmon Fishcakes with a garlic and ginger dip, Mini Duck Spring Rolls, Spiced Chicken and Cashew Cakes and Paper Prawns.

The new Christmas recipes party food collection will be available in Waitrose branches from November 17th ensuring anyone can lay on an impressive buffet spread for their New Year’s celebration with minimum effort.

All items are suitable for home-freezing too, so they can keep be kept in the freezer through Christmas and into the New Year, and of course all come with the assurance that they are made with the highest quality ingredients.

The new party food collection will be available in Waitrose branches from November 17th About Waitrose Waitrose has 191 branches in its estate including stores in Wales and Scotland and has just been named Britain’s Best High Street Retailer at the Which? Awards 2008 and Supermarket of the Year by the RSPCA at its Good Business Awards in 2008. The food shop has won more major wine awards than any other retailer and was named Supermarket of the Year 2007 at the Decanter World Wine Awards.

Waitrose sells over 1,700 organic products, over 60 different types of fish and seafood and more than 100 different cheeses. The food shop also enjoys one of the best reputations for dealing with farmers and suppliers

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Highland Fayre Has Launched A New Range Of Luxury Hampers

Highland Fayre, the premier Scottish hamper company for luxury corporate gift hampers, has just released a brand new range of hampers.

The new Highland Fayre hamper range is set to offer a wide selection of goods, including the company’s Royal Banquet, which contains a selection of their finest wines and gourmet food. There is also variety of Scottish hampers, chocolate gift boxes and the traditional port and stilton selections, as well as cases of wine and champagne hampers.

Highland Fayre is also continuing to offer customers the bespoke hamper service, as well as the new range of hampers. The service offers clients the ability to specify the contents of their hamper, as well as the style of packaging and type of delivery service. A large selection of food is on offer and hampers can also be tailored to particular food and drink types.

Highland Fayre has also recently noticed an increase in business from abroad. A spokesperson for Highland Fayre commented on the increasing popularity of its hampers from British expats living overseas:

“Our hampers have always been popular with UK customers and now we’re seeing an increase in orders for our Christmas hampers from British expats currently residing in Australia, China, America and other countries. It can be difficult for those living aboard to arrange gifts for their friends and family back home, but the quick and easy nature of buying and sending a hamper through our website, is proving popular with many who reside abroad.”

The popularity of Highland Fayre hampers abroad can be attributed to the company’s ability to arrange delivery of their hampers throughout Europe, and its partner hamper companies in the USA, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

About Highland Fayre:
Highland Fayre Ltd is the premier Scottish hamper company for luxury corporate gift hampers. Highland Fayre was established in 1985 and has since developed a high quality reputation within the corporate gift market.

Highland Fayre extensive experience of supplying bespoke hampers and gifts allows their dedicated team to gauge instinctively which luxury items recipients most like to find in their hamper or gift box. Highland Fayre offers a selection of luxury gift hampers that includes wine gift boxes, themed hampers and luxury Christmas hampers for all ranges of budgets.

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Customers Willing To Wait For Their Orders While Gourmet Food Company Struggles To Find Working Capital

Eight years ago Susan Knapp began making Cinnamon Pear Jelly in her kitchen as a holiday treat. When she realized there was a demand for her healthy and delicious pear creations, she left her lucrative executive position to focus on building her own gourmet food company.

Knapp launched Aunt Sue’s in 1998 with four products, each one winning top awards at the Lake County and California State Fairs. As the company gained momentum, Knapp changed the name to A Perfect Pear from Napa Valley and introduced 15 new products. Now, major wholesale customers include Whole Foods, Bristol Farms, Disney, Luxor Hotel & Casino, and the United States Navy, in addition to hundreds of boutique retailers, wineries, restaurants, and caterers across the nation.

Knapp’s commitment to make healthy products that taste delicious, look beautiful, and are friendly to the environment has propelled her company to the brink of the big leagues. And yet, the business is struggling. “Our problem has never been sales,” Knapp says. “Our biggest challenge is undercapitalization.”

With product rapidly flying off the shelves, Knapp finds herself in a unique position: over $100,000 in pending holiday backorders and not enough cash in reserves to manufacture. The rising costs of raw goods and the current credit crunch had brought a rapid halt to production, and yet, the customers are willing to wait.

“Everyday I get calls from customers who tell me they can no longer find our products,” says customer service rep Kat Patterson. “I have to tell them that we are sold out and unfortunately, we don’t know when we will be able to make more. They always tell me they’ll wait. They love our products and don’t care how long it takes. But I know people are anxious to place their holiday orders.”

“Each time I go to production I am making more product, which is great!” Knapp says. “But that also means I always need more money to keep up with growing demand.”

With SBA and bank loans halted, Knapp is now seeking funding from private parties. In this economic crisis, we’re thinking outside of the box and we’re getting pretty creative.”

Knapp currently needs $200,000 to fill backorders and put inventory on the shelves for the busy holiday season. She could save money by using less expensive ingredients and materials, but refuses to cut corners on quality. “Our commitment is to make healthy, delicious products with all-natural, mostly organic and mostly local ingredients. Our customers expect that and are willing to wait. They know we’ll be back.”

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iNutrition.Com, Has Opened A Fission Power Bars Healthy Snack Web Site And A Metabolean All Natural Weight Loss Web Site

Natural Nutrition, Inc. (Stock Symbol: NTNI),, announces the launch of 2 new product sites by subsidiary, iNutrition, Inc.

A major announcement regarding the structure and compensation program for the iNutrition affiliate business opportunity was postponed due to Hurricane Ike’s disruption of business at Natural Nutrition offices in Houston, Texas. Details on the affiliate program will be announced in October for all members. First Alert e-mail notices will be sent to anyone who has signed up at the site.

All natural, fast and easy weight loss formula,Metabolean, is the latest product to be offered online by iNutrition. The web site features videos, full product information and secure, easy ordering specials.

iNutrition’s healthy snack and meal replacement product, Fission Power Energy Bars, are now being sold at Made with real fruit, soy protein, no corn syrup, no refined sugars and with only 150 calories Fission Power Bars represent “The Perfect Healthy Snack” and a popular school or office lunch addition.

Videos featuring Seinfeld Actor and Dancing With The Stars Champion, John O’Hurley, and other iNutrition spokesmen and women can be seen at all the iNutrition web sites.

About – Dedicated to providing all natural nutrition secrets for a long healthy life, offers anyone, anywhere easy and fast online access to the latest top weight loss, fitness and good health products. 

About Natural Nutrition Inc. – and InterACTIVE Nutrition International Inc. ( are wholly owned subsidiaries of Natural Nutrition, Inc. (Stock Symbol: NTNI). InterACTIVE Nutrition is a manufacturer and international leader in sports and nutritional supplements backed by over 12 years of research, development and sales of sports nutrition products in over twenty countries throughout the world.

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